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Post by Lily Sat Aug 06, 2016 1:09 am

Oh the mind games... That's why I boycotted this show for many seasons, until Jojo pulled me in last season. I'm so happy I got to watch her on both seasons, but I really dislike the heartache they go through whether through show manipulation or the media.

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Post by BlackHalo Sat Aug 06, 2016 1:24 am

I have many thoughts on what I just read but my biggest takeaway is she can't stand all the attention Ben is getting. What does Ben and Lauren being there have to do with JoJo's family not being there? Why did her fiancé tweet that she should be there (because she's the "best bachelorette") under a picture of BenLo? Where was the concern for JoJo when he tweeted that? I'm not buying it.


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Post by Guest Sat Aug 06, 2016 1:30 am

^^She was doing some major back-peddling damage control. Doesn't fool anyone.


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Post by Ladybug82 Sat Aug 06, 2016 1:36 am

Kaitlyn's always about Kaitlyn and what you can do for her, with maybe a small concern for Shawn and Doodle, but only if it still effects her somehow, IMO.  It's a fairly one way street.  If it's not all about her or something to benefit her in someway, she's not interested, going to fuss, or maybe both laugh out loud, again IMO.  But that's JMO I know not all agree!  Smiley

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Post by sosleepy Sat Aug 06, 2016 1:54 am

Wow. That blog did nothing but solidify my opinion that she is extremely bitter and borderline resentful towards Ben (& Lauren). I'm sure it's mostly about the reality show, but it has to be quite the pill for "all about me" Kaitlyn to swallow that one of her supporting cast member cast offs went and got himself on Bachelor Rushmore, got a successful couple brand of his own, and is pretty largely loved across Bachelor Nation. Too bad she just can't be happy for him. That angle might get her further- or at the very least her own Kaitlyn/Shawn centric episode on his upcoming reality show.

I mean, really? She felt bad for JoJo? The girl who is honestly almost always all class and grace towards Ben and Lauren? The girl who is still friendly with Lauren? The girl who willingly went to lunch on a double date and will make a cameo herself on BenLo's TV show?

Kaitlyn, they are producing a TV show. Ben and Lauren being there made total sense for the story line.  He was in the shadows throughout the whole season. JoJo's story arch started with Ben. To me, JoJo looked happy to see Ben and Lauren, not nearly as upset as Kaitlyn wanted her to be. None of the other franchise couples were there. It's ok. Ben likely won't be at the next one. Maybe Jordan and Joelle will. Lordy.

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Post by Guest Sat Aug 06, 2016 7:07 am

I can't stand Kaitlyn and Alf, especially Kaitlyn. To me, she just comes off as a classless, entitled brat. There, I said it.


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Post by lightredemption Sat Aug 06, 2016 7:13 am

LOL @ her pretending that her entitled reaction was actually about her concern for Jojo's feelings. Girl, please. Tbh I'd respect her more if she was truthful about it but this lame justification just makes it worse

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Post by mindless Sat Aug 06, 2016 9:26 am

Yeah, the first thing I thought of while reading that was "damage control". Does she really want me to believe they threw a hissy fit out of concern for JoJo's feelings? It might've been nice if her family was there instead of Ben and Lauren, but where do Kaitlyn and Shawn come in in that scenario? Not that I think JoJo even minded Ben being there, since she's obviously moved on and happy. She's also friends with Lauren so it was probably nice to have her there. Those two know the best what she's been through.

Now Nick's family being there last year was awkward indeed, but time to get over it, Kaitlyn. Never seen anyone so hell-bent on focusing on the negative. It's baffling when she owes everything about her current life to the show she keeps whining about.

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Post by Guest Sat Aug 06, 2016 9:58 am

Nothing about that blog post makes sense. So her and Shawn's public temper tantrums were because they were so concerned about JoJo's wellbeing? Sure they were. It's hilarious that she said that Ben & Lauren shouldn't have been there because JoJo's family should've, since Shawn's tweet was all about how "the best Bachelorette ever" should've been there instead of B&L. Kaitlyn is JoJo's family now? She contradicted herself in one paragraph.


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Post by lovebites8727 Sat Aug 06, 2016 10:23 am

Kaitlyn seems a jealous person to me . Why not just be happy for everyone. They just have a lot of time on their hands. Jmo.

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"challenges are what makes life interesting,overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.real love is when you are completely committed to someone even when they are being completely unlovable.a strong marriage requires two people who chose to love each other even on those days when they struggle to like each other.a great marriage doesn't happen when the perfect couple gets together.It happens when an imperfect couple gets together and learn to enjoy each other's differences."

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Post by Kashathediva Sat Aug 06, 2016 10:31 am

Linds911 wrote:
Fingersandtoes wrote:
Linds911 wrote:Shawn has a meal plan and personal training. K does work with clothing/jewelry lines with other companies. They also did some stuff for charity. I guess they are doing well off if they were able to purchase a house!

I don't know their financial situation before the show, but if 2 years after her season they're able to buy a house with their income, they should be eternally grateful. 99% of their popularity is due to the show, which enables them to work in their fields, and get that income. They do really look entitled and ungrateful.

Sorry for the double post but adding quotes from her blog. Think she realized that she made a mistake in lashing out on Twitter. I agree that wasn't a great tweet....

The Bachelorette opened up many doors for me – and I’m grateful for that. I watched this season to show my support – I tweeted and blogged to share my take on JoJo and her guys. To be honest, the amount of anxiety it gave me was unhealthy. I know too much about what goes on – and sometimes it’s hard when people’s feelings are involved. I get it, Ben and Lauren have a show coming out and were likely invited to the finale to promote it, but I can’t help and wonder how that made Lauren and Jordan feel…Ben was mentioned throughout this entire Bachelorette season of how he hurt JoJo. I just don’t know how comfortable that could’ve been for anyone. Imagine announcing your engagement with your last ex sitting right in front of you! What about inviting JoJo’s family?

My family wasn’t invited to my finale either. But, Nick’s was. I was not expecting to see his entire family, including his sweet little sister. Front and center. It threw me off and it wasn’t exactly fair. This was all on live TV, so for anyone who felt that I was “cold” to him, I was actually just extremely uncomfortable. I bet it threw JoJo off to see Ben and Lauren there, too.

I know that what REALLY matters is I found Shawn and I love him, but we have been through a lot and it’s hard to not let this get to us. I’m tough about most stuff, but this upsets me. Thank you to everyone who constantly supports us, cares, and stands up for us. I know there are bigger problems in the world to worry about…I just wanted to share my feelings.

I can't help to continually feel how much this young lady needs a reality check.
Are her loved ones healthy and ok? Are she and Shawn? All this stuff she allows in to rot her soul is bull crap. I am sure there are quite few out there mourning some loved one going through a crisis. She needs to wake up, shut and up and simply breathe in her good life. Each time she speaks all I see is Waaa Waaaa Waaaa.

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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Post by Guest Sat Aug 06, 2016 10:40 am

Kashathediva wrote:
Linds911 wrote:
Fingersandtoes wrote:

I don't know their financial situation before the show, but if 2 years after her season they're able to buy a house with their income, they should be eternally grateful. 99% of their popularity is due to the show, which enables them to work in their fields, and get that income. They do really look entitled and ungrateful.

Sorry for the double post but adding quotes from her blog. Think she realized that she made a mistake in lashing out on Twitter. I agree that wasn't a great tweet....

The Bachelorette opened up many doors for me – and I’m grateful for that. I watched this season to show my support – I tweeted and blogged to share my take on JoJo and her guys. To be honest, the amount of anxiety it gave me was unhealthy. I know too much about what goes on – and sometimes it’s hard when people’s feelings are involved. I get it, Ben and Lauren have a show coming out and were likely invited to the finale to promote it, but I can’t help and wonder how that made Lauren and Jordan feel…Ben was mentioned throughout this entire Bachelorette season of how he hurt JoJo. I just don’t know how comfortable that could’ve been for anyone. Imagine announcing your engagement with your last ex sitting right in front of you! What about inviting JoJo’s family?

My family wasn’t invited to my finale either. But, Nick’s was. I was not expecting to see his entire family, including his sweet little sister. Front and center. It threw me off and it wasn’t exactly fair. This was all on live TV, so for anyone who felt that I was “cold” to him, I was actually just extremely uncomfortable. I bet it threw JoJo off to see Ben and Lauren there, too.

I know that what REALLY matters is I found Shawn and I love him, but we have been through a lot and it’s hard to not let this get to us. I’m tough about most stuff, but this upsets me. Thank you to everyone who constantly supports us, cares, and stands up for us. I know there are bigger problems in the world to worry about…I just wanted to share my feelings.

I can't help to continually feel how much this young lady needs a reality check.
Are her loved ones healthy and ok? Are she and Shawn?  All this stuff she allows in to rot her soul is bull crap. I am sure there are quite few out there mourning some loved one going through a crisis. She needs to wake up, shut and up and simply breathe in her good life. Each time she speaks all I see is Waaa Waaaa Waaaa.

I wish there was a "love" button because I love your post! :claphands


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