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Post by agentcurls Sat Jun 25, 2016 5:37 pm

Evan (epi 2 CP) "It'll be interesting the difference between this CP and the first night we got here..."
Chase "definitely"
Evan "What do you think the difference will be?" 
Brandon "I think it's going to be an unexpected (pan to Chase) roller coaster ride of a night."

During episode 2 CP, when JoJo walked in with Chad...their eyes met:
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(my own SCs)

Just trying to figure out where JoJo was with Chase in the beginning. Did she keep him from a date on episode 2 because she knew she really liked him on night one and was taking the other 'Ettes advice? Or not? Either way, just trying to get some positive Chojo vibes going before this nail-biting 2:1.

Last edited by agentcurls on Sat Jun 25, 2016 6:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by veg_out Sat Jun 25, 2016 6:24 pm

Here's the scenario that I can come up with for Chase to have a shot at F1, and it's connected to this post (7th one down).

In episode 7, there are two options:
1. 2 1:1s for Jordan and Alex and a 4-person groupdate with Robby, James T., Luke, and Chase where Robby likely "wins" the SQT time. or
2. 3 1:1s for Jordan, Alex, and either Chase or Luke with a 3 person groupdate for Robby, James T., Luke or Chase.

If it's option 2: For some reason, I'm thinking that Chase is on the groupdate and not a 1:1. If Chase wins the 2:1 in episode 6, meaning that he gets more time with her, Luke will get his 2nd 1:1 just like Jordan in episode 7. If that's the case, then Robby beats out Chase for more time with JoJo. It's a flashback to the football date when Robby and Jordan got the evening with her.

Either way, Chase makes it to HTDs and then he makes it to Thailand b:c Luke is eliminated, IMO. You are right that both of these dates could be gamechangers in Chase's favor; it's just that Jordan is still in the way.

In order for Chase to possibly make it to F1, Jordan or Robby would likely need to leave the show, IMO. Of the two, it's likely that Jordan might because it gets to him or he's not in love and ready to propose. He'd have to pull a Brooks, leaving Chase and Robby. If she's able to do what Des did and see her "Chris" in Chase, then he's F1, but we now have Robby in hot pursuit and out of nowhere. Robby came on the scene really in episode 4, which is when edits changed, and IMO, it's because editors knew the way that the season ended.

For what it's worth, I think it's a good sign that Chase's storyline is being added to this week. I think that we need to see more of them and the way that they will handle challenges together in order to see if they could be viable. I do think that Chase is different than her other 3 primary relationships on the show. As I said yesterday, I think it's good that Chase essentially is the 1st of the guys who is getting another date; it's just so curious to me that they made it a 2:1.

I think that there's a possibility for Chase to be her F1 because I think that things blow up at some point here.

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Post by aviej Sat Jun 25, 2016 11:28 pm

Very interesting reading all the discussions about Chase. Glad to know that there are some "chasers" still around in this group. Whatever JoJo's issue was with Chase not giving her enough, clearly she got over it really quickly because she was leading him to another room clearly for a make out sesh. I just think that because Chase's feelings are probably the most genuine of the lot, IMO, that he's more guarded with his feelings. To me, it's unnatural to say you're in love with someone on the first date (like Robby). That is a bit scary if someone told me that on our first official date. Anyways, because he's more guarded, I think he's very self-aware of all the other relationships taking place and so he is not gonna give JoJo his all if he's uncertain about her feelings. Did you guys see Chase's reaction when he saw Robby kissing her?? All the other guys were still prattling on the couch, but Chase was transfixed on them and his face got really serious when he saw them kissing. When JoJo was crying about the tabloid, I saw genuine concern on his face, as opposed to Jordan's. I think Chase can very easily become the alpha male - if he wanted. He can just go right in and make it all sexually intense etc. But, IMO, he wants to establish a good foundation first, then all that heat could come after. He's more interested in the serious conversations than anything else right now. And as the preview says, he's taking it very seriously so I hope JoJo recognizes and rewards that.

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Post by agentcurls Sat Jun 25, 2016 11:36 pm

aviej wrote:Very interesting reading all the discussions about Chase. Glad to know that there are some "chasers" still around in this group. Whatever JoJo's issue was with Chase not giving her enough, clearly she got over it really quickly because she was leading him to another room clearly for a make out sesh. I just think that because Chase's feelings are probably the most genuine of the lot, IMO, that he's more guarded with his feelings. To me, it's unnatural to say you're in love with someone on the first date (like Robby). That is a bit scary if someone told me that on our first official date. Anyways, because he's more guarded, I think he's very self-aware of all the other relationships taking place and so he is not gonna give JoJo his all if he's uncertain about her feelings. Did you guys see Chase's reaction when he saw Robby kissing her?? All the other guys were still prattling on the couch, but Chase was transfixed on them and his face got really serious when he saw them kissing. When JoJo was crying about the tabloid, I saw genuine concern on his face, as opposed to Jordan's. I think Chase can very easily become the alpha male - if he wanted. He can just go right in and make it all sexually intense etc. But, IMO, he wants to establish a good foundation first, then all that heat could come after. He's more interested in the serious conversations than anything else right now. And as the preview says, he's taking it very seriously so I hope JoJo recognizes and rewards that.
Good Post I agree Awesome perspective, aviej. Let's hope JoJo recognizes it.

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Post by agentcurls Sun Jun 26, 2016 2:44 am

Ok, so we have JoJo telling Chase "I'll be honest, I didn't feel like you gave me much back." Her right hand is down at the side.
NO SPOILERS - CHASE - Bachelorette 12 - *Sleuthing NO Spoilers* - Page 17 Chojo410

But then when he says "well, now I'm shocked", notice her hand around his neck. She was stroking the back of it. I think she told him something he was glad to hear/needed to hear, atm.
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Also, maybe during their one on one time:
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...they stayed up late? 
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(all SCs are my own)
Is it just me or does Chase look tired here? Maybe he's giving JoJo bedroom eyes? It really looks like it in slo-mo Smiley Maybe he is just buzzed! Maybe all of the above. giggling

So maybe, JoJo is more confused than ever after last night, if she had a wonderful evening with Chase.

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Post by aviej Sun Jun 26, 2016 9:59 am

Whatever transpired that night I hope he upped his game.

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Post by veg_out Sun Jun 26, 2016 10:48 am

AC, I hope that's what happens. It seems clear that whatever the obstacle that occurs tomorrow, it's resolved, and they continue on their merry way because we have these caps:
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That is a look of desire!

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Bug's caps

Are you thinking that the 2:1 is the last date of the episode right before the RC?

I also think that this one is Chase since he hugs her like this all the time:
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From Dreamers slo-mo promo
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Veg's caps

They must meet and go for a hike in the Denver mountains before they meet his fam:
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Bug's cap

Lastly, when watching Youtubes of the dates last night, I found this gem for the Chase lovers:

Not quite their entire journey nor up to AC standards, but lovely all the same. I hope that the Chase love is back up to full tank.

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Post by agentcurls Sun Jun 26, 2016 11:42 am

^Thank you for that little gem, VO. I hadn't seen that before. And yes, all looks pretty cozy after BA with Chojo. 

Hopefully I can make a tribute of my own.  PINKHEART

Joey & Kelsey - You're the One

Joey & Kelsey - Why I Love You

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Post by aviej Sun Jun 26, 2016 2:24 pm

Lovely screen caps and video. Can't wait to see their date. I hope the Derek part is very short so we can just focus more on Chojo Smiley

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Jun 26, 2016 2:44 pm

agentcurls wrote:Ok, so we have JoJo telling Chase "I'll be honest, I didn't feel like you gave me much back." Her right hand is down at the side.
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But then when he says "well, now I'm shocked",
NO SPOILERS - CHASE - Bachelorette 12 - *Sleuthing NO Spoilers* - Page 17 Chojo412
huh?  scratch

I am also shocked and have the same expression on my face as Chase when hearing JoJo tell him he isn't giving much back to her. Good grief the guy made it snow for her!

I think that is why Chase is saying he is shocked - because he probably thought he had initiated and given a lot back to JoJo so I suspect it was a shock to Chase to hear JoJo say to him she didn't feel like he had.

I suspect if Jordan is saying he is in love and Robby already declaring love on first date then Chase is seen by JoJo as not "giving back much"? I get it but it's a bit ridiculous and a cop out, imo.

JoJo if she puts Chase on the 2on1 I think that added with her saying to Chase she doesn't "feel" like he gives much back (back to what? He has initiated a lot already) makes me think JoJo is just not that into Chase.

I think JoJo is just making excuses for her lack of feelings and not Chase's feelings. Heck.... Chase even told JoJo on their first date "what can I do to make you remember this moment" and JoJo was all like "I will never forget this moment" blah blah.

Honestly, I think Chase has been chasing JoJo from the getgo and she is too blind to see it or just doesn't feel it (as she is saying above). It's her loss, imo, as I think Chase seems very steady and a good guy, something she said she was looking for after Ben.

Compared to how JoJo is with Jordan, I don't see Chase as being F1 at all if she can't see Chase is chasing her. She's too busy chasing Jordan, imo.

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Post by Litta123 Sun Jun 26, 2016 3:11 pm

^^@AllAboutLove, I posted about this elsewhere, but I think the reason JoJo doesn't feel it, is because Chase uses the love language of doing...which I don't think is JoJo's love language. She seems to like physical touch and verbal expressions of love. If Chase and JoJo can get on the same page (and that's a big if), I think there might be a thread of hope.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Jun 26, 2016 3:33 pm

Good point @Litta123 on the different love languages.

Still, I think Chase has expressed verbally (even going so far as to ask her what he can do more on their first date) but like you said it sounds like JoJo wants words of affirmation/love more than action?

Even then though, if it was just words and physical I think her response to Robby would have been more enthusiastic than just "thank you" imo if she was chasing Robby as hard as she seems to be chasing Jordan.

Based on what JoJo said about Jordan -- that she wanted to and would choose to believe whatever reason he came up with after her date with him talking about cheating or whatever -- it seems more to me like JoJo just wants to hear the words of love from someone she is most interested in?

I guess that could be what she is doing with Chase but so far I get the feeling even if Chase had said the words of love (like Robby did) JoJo would still not respond the way she did with Jordan, imo, which is why I am not sure that even getting on the same love language page will make a difference?

I have yet to see JoJo act like she does with Jordan with any of the other guys. It's not even close imo how much JoJo is chasing Jordan and Jordan had controversy already while Chase has not. Maybe JoJo likes that? Based on her past relationships I wouldn't be surprised if she thinks love = drama/trust issues...


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