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Post by LeapofFaith Wed Jul 19, 2017 7:29 pm

Speaking to OK! Magazine about the kind of girl he would never date, Matty listed: 'Someone who is rude and inconsiderate, someone who smokes, and someone who is lazy'.

I guess Jen won't be the F1 then Hugesmile

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Post by Bobette Wed Jul 19, 2017 8:04 pm

@Amalia, you really set the cat among the pigeons when you noticed the reverse parking.  

Not only do DM seem to refer to it in every second article but in this article Matty is now explaining that "reverse parking" is actually a deep and meaningful metaphor for a woman who is independent and capable:

'One of the things I'm really drawn to is someone who is really self-assured and confident, and someone who can reverse park is kind of an analogy for someone who can do things on her own and doesn't need the support of others,' he explained.

Yeah RIGHT!  Or maybe you just got sprung and are trying to cover your a$$es. Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 - Page 9 3806527698

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Post by mercieme Wed Jul 19, 2017 8:36 pm

Morning Aussie peeps, I am laugh out loud at this reverse parking story. IMO the producers knew that DM already ran with the story that Laura posted Queen of Reverse parking on her IG profile and now they are allowing Matty to give an interview to talk about what reverse parking means laugh out loud So why in the world did Ten Network bother to get an injunction against the paps not to leak the F2 and F4 photos?  Either this is a season where they want us to know that Laura is F1 right out the block or some mis-direction is going on...jmo though.


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Post by Amalia Wed Jul 19, 2017 8:55 pm

Bobette wrote:@Amalia, you really set the cat among the pigeons when you noticed the reverse parking.  

Not only do DM seem to refer to it in every second article but in this article Matty is now explaining that "reverse parking" is actually a deep and meaningful metaphor for a woman who is independent and capable:

'One of the things I'm really drawn to is someone who is really self-assured and confident, and someone who can reverse park is kind of an analogy for someone who can do things on her own and doesn't need the support of others,' he explained.

Yeah RIGHT!  Or maybe you just got sprung and are trying to cover your a$$es. Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 - Page 9 3806527698

@Bobette, that's funny with the reverse parking metaphor! Such amazing sleuthing from you and from everyone else!

It was @BasicallytheFBI who noticed the reverse parking comment in Laura B's instagram handle, though, not me! Such a great find from @BasicallytheFBI!


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Post by Bobette Wed Jul 19, 2017 9:02 pm

Amalia wrote:
Bobette wrote:@Amalia, you really set the cat among the pigeons when you noticed the reverse parking.  

Not only do DM seem to refer to it in every second article but in this article Matty is now explaining that "reverse parking" is actually a deep and meaningful metaphor for a woman who is independent and capable:

'One of the things I'm really drawn to is someone who is really self-assured and confident, and someone who can reverse park is kind of an analogy for someone who can do things on her own and doesn't need the support of others,' he explained.

Yeah RIGHT!  Or maybe you just got sprung and are trying to cover your a$$es. Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 - Page 9 3806527698

@Bobette, that's funny with the reverse parking metaphor! Such amazing sleuthing from you and from everyone else!

It was @BasicallytheFBI who noticed the reverse parking comment in Laura B's instagram handle, though, not me! Such a great find from @BasicallytheFBI!

Oh yes that's right, good job again @BasicallytheFBI!

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Post by mercieme Wed Jul 19, 2017 11:37 pm

An interview with DT... a few things that i noted, he admits to wanting to live up to people's expectations; he thought of his sister before he made his decision at the FRC....we should probably note if his sister nudged him in one direction or the other during the MTP; his sister Kate is only one year older than explains why they appear so close IMO; while the GL's season was airing, folks were hitting him up whenever articles and promos came out....IMO I bet he is been hit up already asking if Laura was his F1 laugh out loud

Matty Johnson is handsome, well-educated, funny; so why is he a TV Bachelor?

It's the kind of phrase which would leave his adoring fans in disbelief. Matthew Johnson, known as "Matty J", might be the chosen man to star in The Bachelor but he admits romance has never been his strong point.

"I think initially I wouldn't consider myself a big romantic," he says. "But I think the more we progressed through the show the more I realised I actually kind of am. I think everybody does want to have that fairytale."

"I think maybe, I know that guys, myself included, definitely struggle to talk about their emotions," he admits.

Johnson credits the women in his family for helping him bring out a softer side.
In other words, Matty J is now Fabio without the hair and the horse. It's a role he understands all too well.

"I was obviously really excited to meet all the women [but] at the same time I felt a lot of pressure as well on my shoulders, you know, that it's not an easy task to be The Bachelor, people have a certain expectation," Johnson says. "I was kind of hoping on that first night that I was going to live up to it."

Ten's casting agents were confident in their man. But because he is impossibly nice, well-educated, funny, handsome and self-deprecating, only a self-appointed "Agony Aunt" can get to the bottom of why on earth Matty J was still single in the first place.
He laughs when asked what happened but blames years of travel and work, with a subtle nod to the fun side of being a bachelor in his 20s.
"I think for me, timing plays a pretty huge role.  When I was living in London my priorities weren't so much about finding 'the one', it was more about travelling the world and getting those experiences under my belt, then after that, career was my main focus," Johnson says. "I think now that I've moved back to Sydney, my priorities were definitely to settle down."

Johnson is, of course, already familiar to viewers after he was runner-up in The Bachelorette last year. In a piece of excruciating television, Johnson looked as though he had been sucker-punched when he was rejected by Georgia Love.

It was almost the classic scenario of the nice guy not getting the girl and Johnson admits his family advised him to be cautious about going on television again.

"I think it would have been easier for me if I didn't know what it felt like," he says. "As the weeks progressed it definitely got harder and harder when I was hoping it would get easier."

It is probably impolite to tell the winner this in advance (ahead of the show airing) but there was actually another woman Johnson was thinking of before the final rose ceremony, which was filmed earlier this year. It was his sister Kate, who is a year older than him.

"Normally in day to day life, I turn to my sister straight away, kind of like 'hey, this is the situation, what do you recommend?'," Johnson says, of the decision-making on the show. "That was the hardest part, I think … not having that luxury of having that person in your family so close."

He admits even as a teenager he "wasn't overly confident" and relied on Kate as a guide with girls. "Like if I had a crush, for example, the first person I would turn to would be my sister. How do I attempt this? What do you recommend? Or I would show her a text message and say 'Can you decipher this for me, what does it actually mean?'"

Now his own choice has been made for The Bachelor, Johnson's main role is to keep the result a secret (for now) despite the interest from fans and media.

"It is pretty surreal, even now, I'm kind of oblivious to it all. I think probably last year was the most strange because whenever an article would come out or a promo would appear on TV all my friends and family would message me and all remind me this had just come out," he says.

"But now I think I feel a bit more accustomed to it. So I think doing The Bachelorette was kind of the perfect warm-up for doing The Bachelor."


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Post by mercieme Wed Jul 19, 2017 11:49 pm

An interview with Gold Coast Bulletin, they asked him which one of the GC girls he ends up with laugh out loud, they showed a picture of Tara meeting Matty Smiley  Matty said he used the group date to compare how the girls were with him on their SD versus how they treated other girls on GDs, smart move IMO. And the reporter asks him if he ends up with Osher: they show a picture of him and Osher at the M&G and title it as "they make a cute couple" Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 - Page 9 3806527698

Ladies, there’s one thing Bachelor Matty J can’t stand in a woman ...
A NATION’S heart broke when Bachelorette Georgia Love told a smitten Matty J that her heart didn’t belong with him, but now we’re all the more ready to watch him fall in love all over again. This time, he says there’s a happy ending.

Q. So there are a couple of Gold Coast girls in this series, which one did you end up with?

A. I think you know I can’t say anything about that ... but what I will say is I grew up in Brisbane and I know a lot of Gold Coast girls. I think they’re very down to earth, easy going and love the outdoors.

Gold Coast woman Tara meeting Matty J on The Bachelor.
Q. So what’s your biggest turn off in a girl?

A. My biggest turn off is somebody who’s rude or arrogant, that by far — initially when you have a conversation — that’s one of the things that deters me. One big thing for me is if we go to a bar or restaurant if they’re rude to the waiter, especially because I worked in hospitality when I was younger. I like someone who has sense of humour and is confident, but not arrogant.

Q. What’s the difference between confidence and arrogance, in your opinion?

A. I think the difference is arrogant people who think very highly of themselves, won’t ask questions about you and they only talk about themselves.

Confidence is just something you can sense in someone, it emanates from them.

Q. Where do you stand on the concept of making women compete for your love?

A. The Bachelor is interesting in the sense that it is a competition where every week someone gets evicted, but I also believe that they’re not really competing against each other. There’s nothing you can do to win other than being yourself. I don’t view it as a comp, when I was one of the guys we didn’t feel like we were being pitted against each other, Georgia would pick who she liked the most.

Q. Apart from the things like wrestling or cliff diving where you’re literally pitted against each other ...

A. I mean there are games; those rare occasions are in fun and in jest.

Q. It must be hard though, because you want the girls to show they care but also not be too competitive. If they’re not competitive they might not get noticed. How do they do both?

A. It’s a bit of a balance. You want people to care and try, but you don’t want them to become over-competitive or nasty. It’s about being invested but being respectful to others. And again I think that’s just a natural thing, just be yourself and whatever’s meant to happen will happen.

Q. Being a former contestant, you know how it all works. Was that any help to you being on the other side?

A. I think it was definitely helpful for myself knowing how the show works, the milestones and things, but it was also a negative for me going into rose ceremonies and knowing how hard it is to stand there. But I would like to think through the entire process I was considerate and caring.

Q. On the show, do you prefer group dates or one on one dates?

Obviously I love the one on one dates, but group dates can be more revealing in a way than one on ones. You sometimes learn more about a girl by just observing. It’s interesting to see how people are one on one compared to group dates. That’s why I was looking forward to group dates to see how each girl acts among other girls, if their demeanour changes, how they’d be polite to me but rude to others. Group dates are an opportunity to see true personalities. I went in with a mindset of not trying to catch people out or see if people are there for the wrong reasons, but I am intuitive to who people are.

Q. Over this whole experience, what have you learned about yourself?

A. I think the biggest thing about myself is having more confidence in who I am as a person. Initially I thought “How can I maintain the personality of the perfect man: The Bachelor,” and I realised all I had to do was be myself and that was the main thing. I knew there was no guarantee anyone would fall in love with me. I just hoped I lived up to expectation. And I did for one person, which I’m very happy about.

Q. Was it Osher?

A. It wasn’t Osher.


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Post by Amalia Thu Jul 20, 2017 12:34 am

Thanks for posting the interviews, @mercieme. Interesting reading, IMO. IMO, he seems like a nice guy. :-)


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Post by Amalia Thu Jul 20, 2017 1:10 am

AllAboutLove wrote:
Amalia wrote:Such fantastic sleuthing from everyone. Amazing.

I just noticed on Laura B's friend's (sister's?) public instagram account ( that it seems like Laura B will spend next week in New Zealand:

The post is from 9 July, I think, and indicates that they will go there in 13 days' time (from when the post was made) and spend a week there, ie it seems they'll spend next week there, in other words, it may be that Laura B will be in New Zealand when the Bachelor premieres on the 26-27 July. (Or have I interpreted the dates wrongly?)

I might be completely wrong, though! This is just how it appears to me (IMO), based on the above post.

It might not be of any significance anyway, but I found it a bit interesting. :-)
Great catch @Amalia! yes  

Per Laura's @tonimay IG she has a pic of her with her sister and tagged same account so seems to be her sister. IA it seems like Laura will be with her sister for a holiday around first episode time - although I'd think they'd watch the first episode regardless of where they are and Laura's placing? Then again, even if Laura is F1 I could see her being away for a holiday for a week given filming ended back in May so likely may have had SHV already since then, especially living in the same city? Plus I'd think Matty will have lots of media around first episode so may have SHV right before or after that time (IIRC past leads/F1s did the same). Interesting that her sister and her sister's husband both follow Matty. Could be another clue pointing towards Laura (whether for F1 or because they met Matty for HTDs).


Laura with her sister and BIL on June 3
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I completely agree with your thinking, @Allaboutlove. I agree with you that it makes sense that they'd still be watching the premiere, despite being in New Zealand (IMO). I'm wondering if one can watch Channel Ten easily from New Zealand?!


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Post by Amalia Thu Jul 20, 2017 1:14 am

mercieme wrote:@allaboutlove, have you guys heard any details about Matty's season from the travel agency person that spoiled the F1 in the last couple of seasons? Thanks.

ETA: I clicked on the IG link of the picture of Laura with her sister and BIL 15 mins after it was posted here and the sister's IG is now private.

That's interesting that the account went private. I felt a little bad posting a link to someone's IG post (who is not a contestant), but I suppose that as long as it is public it should be OK. (All IMO.)


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Post by mercieme Thu Jul 20, 2017 1:23 am

@Amalia you didn't do anything wrong, it was a public profile at the time; it could be they read here and they are not comfortable with being discussed and that prompted them to go private but it's all good IMO.


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Post by Amalia Thu Jul 20, 2017 1:34 am

mercieme wrote:@Amalia you didn't do anything wrong, it was a public profile at the time; it could be they read here and they are not comfortable with being discussed and that prompted them to go private but it's all good IMO.

Thanks, @mercieme. :-)


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