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Post by Guest Thu Oct 12, 2017 4:07 pm

notarose wrote:

:yes:  I see Sophie as being protective of Jarrod as well and accepting of his quirkiness.
Apollo - thinking Sopie admires and respects him but I just am not seeing a romantic connection. I get that she wants a "best friend" relationship but IMO there also needs to be passion for balance as a life partner.  He is definitely genuine and has loads of great qualities.
Blake - wow, he is so conniving in his ITMs!
Sam - definitely an opportunist. Glad he is finally gone.
Stu - my impression of him is different than yours. I think he and Sophie get along well.
James - definitely in the shadows this epi. I like how calm and relaxed he is.  Still my personal fav on the show.

I think it is because they have this lifestyle in common. I think they transit around the same circle of people. I cannot believe Sydney and Melbourne are that big that they do not have acquaintances in common. They are also rich people so they are used of luxury boats etc... for me it is more an ease of lifestyle rather than chemistry. He tries hard though but I see sophie very much defensive and use her humor as an armor. Nothing was easy during their date. I saw a lot of nervousness from sophie and lot of trying to convince her he came for her and did BIG MAJOR EFFORTS for her to be there... for me he was OTT and all about himself. cantstopl

she had to keep one guy or it was already hometown but what a lost of time to keep blake.

now I am curious if james will have a 2nd date or not. For me it is very clear that the edits are now hiding him. I still have few SC to share from ep7 and still need to watch ep8 tonight


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Post by mjoy Thu Oct 12, 2017 7:41 pm

Sprite wrote:

From what you have described it definitely sounds as if you have the top four nailed, although I'm still not sure of James as F1. Maybe once I have seen the episodes?

I was hoping AJ would stay, but I guess he wasn't dramatic enough and producers made her keep Blake instead.

Why do you think she asked the other guys to leave the room at the RC? I don't get why she just didn't pull the guys she had questions about aside during the cocktail party?

It would be interesting to get your opinion on Apollo's 2nd SD when you can watch the episode since you're not on the James love boat yet. Apollo may be F1 ... you never know! I'm just seeing Apollo's edit as F2 but that could also be my bias towards James now.

As for the RC, I think that was all just for the drama by the producers. I could see Sophie was acting throughout that.


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Post by Guest Thu Oct 12, 2017 7:48 pm

episode 8 is posted in the non discussion thread.

Apollo: fun, nice, friends, lust (tacky comment from sophie about a puppie in his pants). good F2 edit.

Stu: he has a high opinion of himself... jimmy knows what he is doing, AJ for the work and me for the brain.... guys has his hands in his pockets while the other take the position with hands in front of them... mocking apollo's body ..... I think he was very jealous of luke and apollo.

james: first ceremony he was on the hot seat to be called. And yes I notice the reinsurance gesture from sophie on his arm.

I noticed however that james was kinda surprised that she picked blake at the GD. he opened his arms and not sure what it means.

so next episode is a SD with blake in a farm milking a goat. plain ridiculous. so if we had 2 SD episode 7, then we should have 2 SD on ep9... I SO HOPE jarrod will not have a SD......................

then AAL says it has

Ep9 (Wed Oct 18) - Blake
Ep10 (Thurs Oct 19)
Ep11 (Wed Oct 25)
Ep12/Finale (Thurs Oct 26)

that means hometown ep10..... F3 ep11.... F1F2 and finale ep12


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Post by mjoy Thu Oct 12, 2017 7:53 pm

HEA wrote:

stu... nope. do not like him. but probably because he is rich he was carried to hometown as prods knew he would spend good money on the date which mean good tv show. being awkward is not a sign for F1.... we saw that with luke

apollo is now F2 edited.... james in the shadows as I said until fantasy dates

I'm with you on Stu. I don't like him. I'm guessing the teaser for the HTD where "a bachelor reveals a massive bombshell" is related to Stu and maybe why he isn't divorced yet after 4 years?!!??! And maybe this bombshell is why he may only get to Top 4. Well I can only hope.

It is weird then that only 1 person got a 2nd SD before HTD.... forgetting Sam since he's already gone. I still see that Apollo got this 2nd SD as a F2 sign... building him back up for the public in the home-stretch like how they did with Matty, Elise, Lana, even going back to Rochelle from Tim's Bach season.

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Post by Sprite Thu Oct 12, 2017 10:28 pm

@mjoy Still haven't seen the episodes, but I would be on the Apollo for next Bachelor train. He is cute, sweet and seems genuine. Same applies for James. Jarrod would be a mess and Stu...well, I still haven't decided about him. Sometimes he seems OK and other times a bit of a pr*ck.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Guest Fri Oct 13, 2017 3:28 am

@mjoy i think james will have his 2nd SD.... or could be jarrod since he had a date on ep 2!!

jarrod hinted that he wanted a SD because his was far away and he wanted to be alone with sophie..... so i would not be chocked if he got his 2nd SD.....

I hope it is james but for drama, I do not exclude jarrod

because they teased only blake, does not mean we do not have a 2nd date

@Sprite I agree with apollo and james. both would be great bachelor. I think apollo got the physical appeal viewers want though

Stu.... they cut it a lot but I think he is very sarcastic and jaded. I dunno if it is because he is the oldest or not used to be with guys, but he looks so out of his element. He also hinted that he had a boat but could not sail it. Again, this means lot of money. For me, this is not what sophie wants. I feel that he think he is way above those "kids" and I do not think he will mix with them after show. He said multiple times that he risked a lot to participate to this show and IMO, he will try to distance himself as much as possible after show if he does not win. His pride will make him hide or reject the show..... a la georgia which I think I read could not find a job after the show and rejected it.... same for same wood that I read that he does not care about the franchise as well.

Oh but I miss SM and instagram right now!!!!!! I so want to know if the F1 has been spoiled!!!!

Sophie said multiple times that once she is done with her job, she likes to go home, free makeup, ugg boots and just stay on the coach. She is done with the glitz and all that obviously. I really do not see her with Stu. I do not even see chemistry. But I do see a guy who is invading her bubble, that's for sure! His body language was on her but I do not see it replicated.

Anyway. I am not sure why stu rubs me the wrong way but he does. Yes I am into james and apollo but the vibes I get from stu are not good.


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Post by Guest Fri Oct 13, 2017 7:47 am

@mjoy can you say more about hometown teaser since it is not on ep8 please?

Unless @allaboutlove can share it with us please?


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Post by mjoy Fri Oct 13, 2017 9:02 am

Hometown teaser - that was pretty much it.  Like a 20 second ad.
"Hometown week"
- shot of Sophie standing with a blonde lady in a home saying 'Ummm' (only see the lady from the back)
- next shot of Sophie (different date/different clothes) standing awkwardly with 2 men (again can't see the men but can see one is older like a dad)
- Next shot at dinner table, a blonde lady possibly in early 30s asking 'what is your ultimate game', cut to Sophie looking worried (wearing same outfit as first shot)
- Next shot of granny saying "it's not a normal thing you're doing, is it?", cut to Sophie looking awkward/shocked (different outfit to any of the other shots so far so 3 different dates shown so far)
- Next shot of Sophie closeup looking concerned (different outfit, looks like it's outside) with VO saying 'and one guy drops a massive bombshell'
- Cut to Sophie in a PI (wearing RC type outfit) saying 'Holy ...beeep'. Was beeped out.

And that's it.  Not even seeing much of the family except for the 2 shots where questions were asked.

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Post by Guest Fri Oct 13, 2017 11:57 am

@mjoy so we are heading for a drama at RC4????

I wonder if this is stu related? massive bombshell....... stu is still married, not divorced??

Blonde look like a sister? who said they had sisters?

and we have a drama at rose ceremony.......... jarrod departure???? stu departure???? because i do not see apollo or james making a drama...


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Post by Norcalgal Fri Oct 13, 2017 3:32 pm

Just power-watched all the episodes posted in Online Viewing links thread (through the onsie party).

A couple observations:
1. Sophie told Luke she lived on a river on 1.5 acres of land with her parents, rather than in a city. She told Stu she could work 2 months of the year and take the rest of the year off. This tells me she could be very flexible with living arrangements, perhaps even on a vineyard. But would she be happy with someone like James who has a regular job and lives in Sydney?
2. My opinion of Harry rose by multiples when he told Sophie that he fell in love with all the boys and she would have someone special in the group. Sweet.
3. I noticed that Apollo was the first of the original group to talk to the intruders - I know he already had a rose from his single date. But I thought it showed a lot of maturity and confidence. BTW, I loved his single date - he is so much more than the sum of his parts!
4. Loved the date with James but I'm trying to figure out if its because I love James or love the two of them together. I keep thinking that someone as educated as James might want a partner who can stimulate him intellecutally. Sophie would keep him entertained but not be one to help him strategize work life. Opposites often work and this would be the case with them.
5. I actually thought that Stu's single date was the best of all - I can see these two together. I think Stu has had enough playing around that he'd like to just be settled and enjoy a fun partner. One reason I think he and Sophie could make a good couple is they don't take life too seriously.
6. Jarrod - I didn't mind him until the last episode with the onsies. Very intense - probably too intense for Sophie. I loved how she mothered him - and I think whomever she chooses she will do that for her partner.

If I had to guess, F4 will be Apollo, Jarrod, James and Stu. Have no idea who is final 1, after Stu's single date.

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Post by Norcalgal Fri Oct 13, 2017 3:40 pm

mjoy wrote:Hometown teaser - that was pretty much it.  Like a 20 second ad.
"Hometown week"
- shot of Sophie standing with a blonde lady in a home saying 'Ummm' (only see the lady from the back)
- next shot of Sophie (different date/different clothes) standing awkwardly with 2 men (again can't see the men but can see one is older like a dad)
- Next shot at dinner table, a blonde lady possibly in early 30s asking 'what is your ultimate game', cut to Sophie looking worried (wearing same outfit as first shot)
- Next shot of granny saying "it's not a normal thing you're doing, is it?", cut to Sophie looking awkward/shocked (different outfit to any of the other shots so far so 3 different dates shown so far)
- Next shot of Sophie closeup looking concerned (different outfit, looks like it's outside) with VO saying 'and one guy drops a massive bombshell'
- Cut to Sophie in a PI (wearing RC type outfit) saying 'Holy ...beeep'.  Was beeped out.
My guesses:
1. blonde lady is either Stu's or Jarrod's sister (I don't think Stu would introduce his daughters on TV and Jarrod's family having a family business is going to be suspicious of someone coming in)
2.Sophie with 2 men - James' family. Bet he's not brought a lot of women home.
3. Granny belongs with Apollo as he mentioned how often his family sees each other.
4. Can't picture Jarrod dropping a massive bombshell as he is so transparent! Has to be Stu. Don't know if the clothes are different than with the blonde.

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