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Post by Alanna Fri May 25, 2018 1:42 am

LeapofFaith wrote:i feel sick for becca sad i am sorry this is happening to her right now....

i wonder if Garrett will make a new IG and start liking the total opposite to what he had liked? laugh out loud
laugh out loud ultimate damage control. I’m sure there’s some positive aspects in this guy, there has to be if we believe what Chris and Becca both say about him and that she ultimately chose him. I’m guessing he has a specific understanding of what a man and citizen of a country even is/says/does/believes and how he acts and those beliefs come with some positives (how he treats his wife and family, I hope) and some insanity (everything else we’ve seen). For better or worse, she’ll personally be aa’ight with him imo laugh out loud  If they have kids and he teaches them what he was taught, it’ll just continue all the problems that exist already. Total bummer but it’s reality imo.

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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Post by Nillay Fri May 25, 2018 1:42 am

Poor Becca. She can work things out with him of course, but what if he leaves? What if he can’t handle all this drama and just leaves her hanging...

Poor Becca. When those engagement pictures came out, some people were done with the season but now with this liked picture scandal probably got that audience back imo
I hope all works out for the best


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Post by Al Fri May 25, 2018 1:44 am

Aria wrote:Y'all, if Becca can turn this homophobic, fat-shaming, racist, idiotic conspiracy theorist into some woke feminist, I really will start calling her Queen RKJ because that is some Nobel Peace Prize worthy stuff.

Also, Ed is still human garbage (IMO!).
The thing is though, I don't know if I would believe it if he does become some enlightened person. Imo, he'd be doing it just to appease. It's hard to change someone's core values, especially if they've held them for a long time imo.


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Post by Alanna Fri May 25, 2018 1:51 am

Aria wrote:Y'all, if Becca can turn this homophobic, fat-shaming, racist, idiotic conspiracy theorist into some woke feminist, I really will start calling her Queen RKJ because that is some Nobel Peace Prize worthy stuff.

Also, Ed is still human garbage (IMO!).
Lmao let’s not get cray. At best, she might expose him to the thought that folks on the other side of the (metaphorical) fence aren’t 3 headed aliens with no understanding of anything, but are actually humans just like him, in fact, the woman he loves is one of them. Even perhaps that he can relate to them as he relates to her on some level and not stand so rigid on what he feels is the only right way to think. That the bad f-words (feminists and others laugh out loud) are just people like his freaking fiancée and future wife (I’m feeling ambitious tonight on at least some Ette finally tying the knot laugh out loud).

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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Post by Loulou Fri May 25, 2018 2:02 am

I was afraid this might happen when I was exploring G and Beccas SM accts. i work in welfare and imo without professional intervention and a willingness to change it doesn't happen, people just become more deceitful and better story tellers. My main concern is for Becca and the pressure she may feel given all the conflicting values/beliefs/responsibilities. Everyone is going to have an opinion and advise. I don't give a. .. about G but she will be judged as to her actions when dealing with his mess. I would like her to become the independent, mature woman we think she is and kick his butt to the kerb. That to me would be motivating to other woman and we could do with more strong female role models. I will be totally disappointed if she makes excuses for him and helps to hide his true nature. Woman need to regain the power - I'm sick of men like G undermining woman's self esteem and self worth. So now I'll get off my soap box. Hoping Becca has all the 'right' love she needs to deal with this mess. PS shame on TB as imo they have some responsibility in this.


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Post by Kolormiblnd Fri May 25, 2018 2:03 am

If Garrett did create another Instagram page and started liking "the right things" right away, I would be suspicious and so would a lot of other people. And Becca better be too.
It's hard to change someone's core values, especially if they've held them for a long time imo. wrote: wrote:
ITA and changing views/values means leaving friends/family with those views behind or at least reducing interactions with them. Or else, constant confrontation and conflict could lead to an early grave. AMO.

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.  heartbeat

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Post by Al Fri May 25, 2018 2:12 am

Isn't Garrett's brother's instagram public? Has anyone noticed if he likes anything similar to these posts Garrett liked?


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Post by Astrobach Fri May 25, 2018 2:48 am

@Loulou another great thoughtful post, thanks! I am an empath and it’s hard for me to remain totally indifferent to these people, despite the fact that they are strangers after all. I’ve been feeling sick to my stomach all day. So now Becca has seen some other sides of her fiancé that she not only did not expect but are in complete opposition with her own core values and beliefs. The way it happened in this total blindside manner with a landslide of media has to hurt. No matter what she discussed with him in private, the extent of these traits that are now exposed for all to see, go way beyond the ‘bad phase’ that a man go through when growing up. He is a man, has been raised to become this way and I doubt that anyone, even a very loving fiancée, can change his core beliefs UNLESS HE is seeing and wanting to change. Becca does not need another ‘ man project’, she is looking for a partner. Someone to raise kids with. I believe that right now she feels atrociously betrayed, confused and pressured because as she said herself, ‘ she has no poker face’ so... what to do, go ahead and confront him this weekend and get a clearing conversation, in person, hopefully NOT filmed, to really get to the bottom of this before it festers more. Cut her losses, feel the embarassment, and keep her principles and dignity, ( and her family and friends love and support) .
OR, she somehow still believes in him and decides to weather the storm and keep the agenda as it was planned. ( I would be very disappointed in her, but she may be still in shock)
She has press and appearances planned and I’m looking forward to SEE how and what she looks like, responds like etc.
I do hope that her family is helping her see through this challenging time. I care about her, not the BN or G or TPTB.

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Post by Ashley95 Fri May 25, 2018 3:11 am

I feel so bad for Becca but girl this is why you always ask the guy you are dating about their political views to avoid situations like these.

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Post by pavalygurl Fri May 25, 2018 3:15 am

@Astrobach I also felt sick to my stomach today. I thought it was all the coffee on an empty stomach. I do think Becca has a good support system in her family, old friends and new bach friends. I suspect they will all rally round and hold her close no matter what. This is the latest in a series of hits which has to have left her shell shocked, hurt and embarassed. I hope once she decides what she wants to do she will have the peace to explore that and maybe take advantage of some professional guidance to see her through...and MF should pay for the therapy. IMO


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Post by CamiLane 11 Fri May 25, 2018 3:53 am

I’m not trying to defend Garrett in any way shape or form but are we 1000% positive that those likes were legit and real because I went back to find the posts that he liked and I could not even find the actual post itself let alone him liking the post. I was curious to know if anyone actually when back to see/prove that he actually liked all those posts on IG. I just want to make sure we aren’t jumping the gun on this before we prove that all of this is 100% legit.

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Post by Astrobach Fri May 25, 2018 4:04 am

Sorry, there are plenty of SC photos that were taken before some clean up was done. His account is now either inactive or down. Damage control maybe too late. Look at # bachelorette some posts there.
As I mentioned earlier, once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it’s out ... and hard to put back in. The way this SM crisis happened, it’s in too many places now, it’s been seen and Becca has most likely seen it all. And with him deleting everything, it does not look too good.

Last edited by Astrobach on Fri May 25, 2018 4:09 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Clarity)

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