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Post by Lucas15 Thu Aug 01, 2019 12:26 pm

Part 1 - Hannah & Tyler at the ATFR Part 2

A number of people have asked me (publicly and privately) if I would do some body language analysis of Tyler (and Hannah) on the ATFR Part 2, and since this will be screen cap intensive, this seems like an appropriate place to post it. As I have done in some past analyses, there will be a very rough transcript (more of a synopsis) to discuss the events we are seeing on screen and any description I have of what I saw that I felt was noteworthy and then the screen caps for you to see what caught my eye. I will split this into multiple parts so it's harder for me to screw up.

Source for all of my SC - the ABC Website

So lets get started:

CH says "There's one guy we haven't had a chance to talk about today ... and that's Tyler" and this is Hannah's reaction - big genuine smile (note the crows feet at the corner of her eyes, the almost closed eyes) and her dimples.

Bachelorette 15 - Hannah Brown - ScreenCaps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #3 - Page 17 Thats_10

CH turns to Hannah and asks her "What's it going to be like to see him again?" Check out Hannah's eyes (When they look up and to the left, she is remembering or recalling something, tapping into the memory part of the brain.) - she's remembering her past emotions and calling them up as she thinks about her current emotions. (Reference)

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Tyler enters, they hug - note how in this hug Tyler's left arm is fully around Hannah - this is more that just a "social" hug. Also note that we
can see Hannah's left fingers but only the first knuckle or so - it looks like her finger tips are dug into Tyler which is an indication that there's some passion behind her hug - we tend to arch our fingers and dig them in when we hug someone with passion.

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Bachelorette 15 - Hannah Brown - ScreenCaps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #3 - Page 17 Tyler_11


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Post by Lucas15 Thu Aug 01, 2019 12:44 pm

Part 2 - Hannah & Tyler at the ATFR Part 2

Tyler sits down facing CH - but note how he's leaning towards Hannah. Usually we will sit and lean away from people we don't like or are uncomfortable around and lean towards people that we want to be close to.  Note the smile (wrinkles from the corner of his eyes - this is a "genuine smile).

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Tyler then turns to face the crowd and the cameras and we get an even better look at this (still genuine) smile. I think he might have turned to acknowledge the positive reaction from the audience.

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CH welcomes Tyler and Tyler says "Good to see you Chris" and we see Tyler tighten his lips - this is a sign of stress - not sure what's causing it though. But it's CH - not Hannah - who's talking so I think this stress is more caused by CH than it is by Hannah.

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CH - how does it feel for you to be back here and see her - notice how they have really leaned in towards each other - CH's words triggered this! And also - notice the smiles! and Hannah sort of rubbing her hands together - Hand-rubbing indicates anticipation or relishing something to come. Always remember that self- rubbing gestures are used to dissipate stress – and being overly excited in anticipation of something to come is a form of positive stress. (Reference)This is a very "coupleish" set of responses

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Post by SarahD Thu Aug 01, 2019 12:55 pm

Thanks Lucas. She needed that tight hug after all that she’d been through.

It goes without saying...everything I say is IMO.

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Post by Lucas15 Thu Aug 01, 2019 1:01 pm

Part 3 - Hannah & Tyler at the ATFR Part 2

Tyler makes a long (and somewhat serious) speech about watching Hannah and admiring her strength through all this. No good SCs here but Tyler does read as sincere - this is the same Tyler we saw throughout the show with the same demeanor and apparent honesty.

Hannah talks about how supportive Tyler has been of her - not just on her journey but afterwards. Say what? Maybe she meant on SM - because I don't recall that they even met or talked. But maybe they have and we just don't know about it ...

Hannah talks about how much she's learned and how she appreciates bold moves, and Tyler is an incredible guy and she's a single girl. The first clip is Tyler as Hannah talks about bold moves, and the clip after this is Tyler's smile when she says "single girl" - he seems happy that she is a single girl.

Bachelorette 15 - Hannah Brown - ScreenCaps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #3 - Page 17 Bold_m10
Bachelorette 15 - Hannah Brown - ScreenCaps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #3 - Page 17 Single10

Hannah then suggests they could go for a drink and just hang out. This is Tyler's reaction ... Then he says I would love to - just tell me when and I'm there. Genuine smile (squinty eyes, crows feet) and an overall look of excitement.
Bachelorette 15 - Hannah Brown - ScreenCaps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #3 - Page 17 Drink_10


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Post by Billysmom Thu Aug 01, 2019 1:05 pm

I really appreciate this because I don't have a dvr and I was such a jumble of emotions that there was so little time left for tannah....I never saw the strength of that hug!!  Wow za.

Btw just coming here after watching viall files on yt.... So mad the camera person stayed on nick when Tyler was talking about being excited to have drinks.  Grrr

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Post by Lucas15 Thu Aug 01, 2019 1:17 pm

Part 4 - Hannah & Tyler at the ATFR Part 2

Not too much "editorial comment" here, but doing this was a bit of a surprise. Tyler has struck me as guarded and therefore hard to read so I never really made an effort to read him. I therefor thought that there wouldn't be too much to see, but I was wrong. Nothing about this scene struck me as someone who was shocked, shamed into agreeing to meet Hannah for a drink, or being anything but excited and happy to have the chance to spend time Hannah and see where it could go.


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Post by nannymargie Thu Aug 01, 2019 1:32 pm

SarahD wrote:Thanks Lucas. She needed that tight hug after all that she’d been through.

I also noticed she has her arm completely around his neck and sorta pulling him down like she doesn't want to let me go.

Sometime you have to fall apart only to realize you need to be together!

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Post by okkaayy Thu Aug 01, 2019 1:33 pm

@Lucas15 out of curiously what’s your take on his weird touch fake out? At one point, she touches his knee and he reaches forward twice. It was a super awkward movement and I’m curious of what you thought about that. Also, he kept rubbing his hands on his pants, he was super nervous and probably clammy

I also noticed that when she said those feelings don’t just go away or she stil had feelings he was nodding at her


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Post by Billysmom Thu Aug 01, 2019 1:36 pm

Thanks for your hard work, Lucas! What you've said sure makes sense to me! 

Looking at the interview w nick, he was leaning back in his seat, in contrast to being w Hannah.  I took note of his wiggling his foot at points, as well as of his looking up, though I think the latter was to look at a producer and/or a monitor??  The thing that gave me the most hope there re tannah was that he found a few spots to bring her name up again....she definitely made a big impression on him. Jmo

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Post by Billysmom Thu Aug 01, 2019 1:38 pm

Btw, what did he say at atfr when he was bleeped??

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Post by Lucas15 Thu Aug 01, 2019 1:40 pm

Billysmom wrote:I really appreciate this because I don't have a dvr and I was such a jumble of emotions that there was so little time left for tannah....I never saw the strength of that hug!!  Wow za.

Let me just add something that I really hadn't noticed initially about that hug. You can sort of tell that Hannah's right arm is above Tyler's left arm, and her left arm is below Tyler's right arm (this is totally clear if you watch this is motion). Back in the old days, we used to call this a "pretzel hug" and it connotes emotional equality - neither Hannah nor Tyler are dominant (ie neither has both arms on top - each has only one) but they share in an equal partnership. This is not something I remember them doing in the past and it's kind of strange (but in a good way) that they do it here.


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Post by Lucas15 Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:02 pm

okkaayy wrote:@Lucas15 out of curiously what’s your take on his weird touch fake out? At one point, she touches his knee and he reaches forward twice. It was a super awkward movement and I’m curious of what you thought about that. Also, he kept rubbing his hands on his pants, he was super nervous and probably clammy
I also noticed that when she said those feelings don’t just go away or she still had feelings he was nodding at her

From this reference
Hand-rubbing indicates anticipation or relishing something to come. Always remember that self-rubbing gestures used to dissipate stress – and being overly excited in anticipation of something to come is a form of positive stress.

So my take on the rubbing his hands on his pants is one of the mentioned "self-rubbing gestures" to dissipate stress but in this case the stress is a positive one of excitement and anticipation.

The weird touch fake out is - as you say - weird. It could possibly have been the result of a past learned pattern - ie when together in the past they touched in this way and didn't have to pull back but at this particular time that would have not been appropriate so they pulled back as soon as they realized what they were doing.


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