Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Post by xavierrn Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:03 am

They're doing it again next week FYI. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (and Wednesday's will be 2 hours long). That's gotta be almost all of it, right?


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Post by betteau Tue Jan 17, 2023 5:44 am

Osher is talking about how they're halfway through the experience already. How?! I feel like we've only seen about 3 single dates. This'll be wrapped up by next week at this rate.

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Post by Bobette Tue Jan 17, 2023 6:05 am

That does check out - I was just going through the SCs we haven't yet seen and there are very few of them. :yes:

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Post by Agent99 Tue Jan 17, 2023 6:57 am

This is the most stupid storyline in bach history imo


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Post by Bobette Tue Jan 17, 2023 7:04 am

Agent99 wrote:This is the most stupid storyline in bach history imo

I'm not watching live @Agent99 - what's going on?

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Post by Agent99 Tue Jan 17, 2023 7:12 am

The Jess polyamory/boyfriend Damien storyline @Bobette.   I don't get it, but then it's not something I've ever been interested in laugh out loud.  He says he loves her, she says she loves him and I really couldn't care about either of them.  Just get in the sea.


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Post by Bobette Tue Jan 17, 2023 7:14 am

From the preview last night I thought Damien looked like a 55 year old who should have a restraining order out against him but then I have been known to judge harshly on first impressions.

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Post by Agent99 Tue Jan 17, 2023 7:26 am

You're not wrong.  With his unhealthy pallor, he looks like he's been "away" for a while, certainly not living an outdoors lifestyle in Townsville laugh out loud.


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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Bobette Tue Jan 17, 2023 10:59 am

Episode 6

We open with Jessica excitedly heading off for a date with boyfriend Damien.  Sorry, what?  This feels like a significant moment.  The shark has been jumped.  The show has lost the plot.  It's all over guys.  RIP.

Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 QkO26vp

Meanwhile, Felix tells Thomas he thinks he's grown as a person and Jessica is "breaking down his walls".  Since when do alleged F1s get this much foregrounding?  Something is very, very off with this season.

Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 0YcruDP

Speaking of off, check out the GREEN SCREEN behind Thomas.   cantstopl  Oh yes that looks totally realistic and I'm sure it was filmed on the Gold Coast in June last year, not Pyrmont 3 weeks ago.

Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 LYhj9DV

On the GD the contestants are joined by friends - a plot device clearly designed to get Jessica's boyfriend on the scene. The besties is a fun idea; if the show wasn't doomed I'd suggest keeping this for next season.  

Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 Dmecxyl

[Side note:] I LOVE what Abigail is wearing here - it must be her own; the Stylist clearly would not have anything this tasteful in her Closet of Horrors.

Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 NO8hAHV

But the boyfriend?  NO. He looks old enough to be her creepy uncle and I'm getting major pimp vibes.  A, "yeah she's my GF, but I lend her to other guys"-vibe.  Eww. @Agent99 You're right this is beyond ridiculous.

Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 JTzdBF6

I do not like this at all; make it stop pls laugh out loud  

Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 PdwnDl3

For once the smartest comment of the episode comes from Felix: "This is f***ing weird".

Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 AkQ3EO4

Jessica clearly loves the fact that she has two men fighting over her IMO.  She seems to have tapped into Felix's competitive side and has made herself the prize - as if she's the Lead and he the contestant.  Well played.

Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 94tiwsd

Thomas takes Jasmine on a date during which he says he loves sex and describes himself as a "man of service"  *wink wink nudge nudge* laugh out loud  Well if nothing else this experience will provide him with a quote for his Tinder bio.

Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 4C4cQlk

Jessica and Damien get together for a "conscious conversation" as if they're Chris Martin and Gwyneth damn Paltrow.  I get the distinct impression we're meant to like Damien but sorry producers; I'm not down with it.

Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 NokSGx9

Rose ceremony.  Jed has squeezed out some facial hair and it quite suits him.  Kiki with her secondhand womb is reluctantly kept around for one more week and the lovely Zara is sent packing.

Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 E700TQ6

Tomorrow night it's aerial acrobatics and soft porn in the pool.  Join us if you dare.   Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 1f62c  

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Post by notarose Tue Jan 17, 2023 5:02 pm

Hmmm, some interesting confronting of dealbreakers going on this season. 
In a previous epi Thomas said in an ITM that he had 2 stepfathers (?) so he had come into the experience not wanting to date a single parent. He also wants a child of his own and Kiki said she is uncertain about whether she wants anymore children. I would have liked to hear more about how stepdads effected him growing up. 
The open relationship thing is interesting in theory. I did like that Damien showed up because the questions that were asked IMO illustrated that in practice this type of relationship is very challenging because people aren’t necessarily on the same page when it comes to some important details. When Jessica said she could eventually see herself monogamous - married with children - BUT x# of years later when the relationship needed spicing up she could see the relationship becoming open again then my conclusion became Jessica foresees introducing another future partner as a cure for boredom or low periods LOL. Open relationships have never been discussed on any season to this degree so I found it intriguing however this last epi was the Jessica show and I’m over it.
JMO Bachelor AU is handling multiple leads better than Bachelorette US. Not wonderful but I think I’ll hang in until the end. I am, however, disappointed that 3 engagement rings appeared at the beginning.

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Post by Bobette Tue Jan 17, 2023 8:58 pm

@notarose I took it to mean his mother divorced and re-married twice but I agree the wording was clumsy (at first I thought oh cool he was raised by a gay couple but then realised the math didn't add up there laugh out loud).  He definitely has some pre-existing prejudices.

My two cents: Nothing is guaranteed when it comes to having children.  You could find the "perfect" partner (for Thomas that would be currently child free but wanting to reproduce later) but then you find out one of you is infertile, or you have repeated miscarriages, or you have a child with disabilities, or your partner leaves you when the baby is born and the court awards them full custody, or they move overseas, or, or, or....

Life is messy!  You cannot plan it down to the nth degree.  If you meet someone you want to be with and they already have kids, that's part of who they are.  I do not care at all for Thomas' attitude towards Kiki's children. A friend of mine had a baby young and when she met her now-husband he told her he saw her son as a "bonus" - and he meant it. They had 2 more boys together but her first was every bit as much "his" child.

Re: the open relationship my interpretation is that Jessica's not all that into Damien but is getting something out of the relationship (money? gifts? adoration?) while Damien realises his choices are "a bit of Jess or none" and has chosen the former.

My suspicion is that Jessica is simply doing this for attention and screentime (this year's open relationship seems to be last year's bisexuality - Abbie has followed the same formula) and will change her mind about being in an open relationship when she meets someone she is exclusively interested in - or when it's the MAN who wants to be "open" with other women (her concept seems to be it's only her allowed to sleep around).

The producers obviously saw this as a juicy storyline to generate some controversy but it's so at odds with what the show used to be it's just jarring.  Look at these numpties in the background when Jessica & BF are embracing.  They look like they're watching an orphaned baby chimpanzee being released back into the wild.  In previous years a contestant with a BF was met with derision and the girl would be ousted in shame!

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Post by notarose Tue Jan 17, 2023 10:03 pm

@bobette I too suspect Jessica = ulterior motives. She has a way with words and this combined with her beauty and charm makes me think she might be accustom to getting what she wants.
IMO none of the other women want to question Jessica too much about anything for fear of fans thinking they are closed-minded. I think Jessica the person and the topic of open relationships are separate things but not worth it to the others to get SM backlash over. Jessica being the self designated poster child for the idea of an open relationship IMO gives her an odd type of protection.

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