Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Bobette Mon Jan 23, 2023 2:37 am

@Agent99 I was just taking SCs from tonight's preview and yes his face is like an animal cornered by a predator.  laugh out loud   I'll bring them over.

ETA:  Preview SCs from the end of last night's episode:

Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 I0lBvia
Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 PAiyfdU
Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 ZuoHGsg

Jed with his full attention on Alesia of course.  Does she turn him down at the FRC, or dump him after?  He's been smitten from the start so she would have been the one to call it quits IMO.

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Jess with the polygamist cult hairdo AGAIN. She's really embarrassing herself voicing her misinterpretation of polyamoury IMO and clearly has no idea how the arrangement is meant to work.

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Osher arrives with the roses and chaos ensues.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 YGevdEN
Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 TnRZr86

Source: Tenplay

Switching to the Twitter preview which has some additional scenes.  Girls are shown getting increasingly antsy, esp Tilly.  This was such a devious plot device to employ but I am not hating it laugh out loud  

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 IwCuIpH

Yellow dress.  Leah and Lauren are both in yellow but this looks closer to Lauren's darker shade?  Also it would make sense to leave Leah till last for maximum tears.  Gotta torture the clinger.

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Tilly corners Felix.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 IYoX26m
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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 XeTvOeM
Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 AQVn19w


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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 AqWkSNh
Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 Ewk6KKX

Who hasn't been to a dinner party that ended up like this honestly.   Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 3806527698


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Post by Sundy Mon Jan 23, 2023 7:23 am

Maybe I’m getting old and a little sensitive but I didn’t like the explanation Felix gave Tilly tonight when he was saying goodbye. Perhaps it wasn’t the intent but to me it came across like ‘you’re hot but not good enough’. I sense a little bit of s shaming happening and that not cool with me. Am I on my own thinking that?

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Bobette Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:32 am

@Sundy I haven't watched yet but "you're hot but it's not enough" is probably exactly what Felix meant. Tilly did herself no favours being so... available, IMO.  In the real world they would have probably had a one night stand and he'd already be off looking for his next conquest.  

Jessica's put herself in the box seat by presenting a challenge, to win her off of Damien.  While a guy like Jed would want nothing to do with her IMO, that kind of bait is proving irresistible to competitive sportsman Felix.  Not a fan of either girl, but Jess has the better strategy.  

Who else went?

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Post by Sundy Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:35 am

@Bobette. Bella and Jasmine

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Post by Bobette Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:36 am

@Sundy Thanks yes Sitting down with a cup of tea to watch now.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Bobette Mon Jan 23, 2023 12:00 pm

Episode 9

After wasting 3-4 episodes on boring ~ drama ~ earlier in the season, TPTB are now cramming in rapid fire single dates.  

Thomas - Lauren

Meh.  Very little chemistry here.  This "date" feels more like a job interview.  Nothing has compared to the way he looked at Kiki early on (when he thought she was childless laugh out loud) and whoever else he chooses was always doomed to fail IMO.

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Felix - Tilly

Felix is in front of the greenscreen again, spinning waffle to try to craft a coherent storyline.  He says "if this is going to last there needs to be more than kissing".  Tilly says something is not right.  She's all over him as always but he's fending her off.

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Jed - Alesia

I'm going to post this SC because in all the others he's whimpering like a puppy due to his fear of heights laugh out loud  I feel like Jed is the only Lead giving us any character depth.  Felix and Thomas are still coming across as very one-dimensional IMO.

Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 ZpClly7

They all meet up back at the Bach pad.  Felix and Tilly have "the chat" that @Sundy referred to upthread.  I can see how it could be interpreted as harsh but IMO, Tilly shot herself in the foot by relying so heavily on her physical side.

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TPTB clearly stole the dinner party idea from MAFS but it's interesting to observe the dynamics, and prompts some revealing conversations, so I'll allow it laugh out loud  Another feature I'd recommend keeping for next season if the show wasn't in it's death throes.

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Abigail and Krystal ask Felix how he's feeling about Jess' whole open relationship shtick and he says it's been a "new one" for him and he categorically would not want to be in one.  What is Jessica still doing there then I ask you, dear viewer.  

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Polygamist Barbie then says she just doesn't know if she'll ever be satisfied with "one dick forever" and Felix starts giggling like a schoolboy.  She's set herself up as the ultimate challenge.  "Can *I* be the one to satisfy her enough?" he must be thinking  Rolling Eyes

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Jessica tries to explain her theory of relationships, which is Fantasy Land stuff to say the least, built upon the assertion that she may bed anyone at anytime because she wants to and she makes the rules *blinks crystal blue eyes*, OK?

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Krystal isn't having any of it and sums it up more succinctly:  "Really, she just wants to f*** half of Brisbane" (laugh out loud) while Abigail follows up with "if Felix wants a monogamous relationship, Jessica should go home".  F1 obstacle well and truly established.

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Osher arrives and the roses start getting dished out and interestingly it's in the exact order of the speculated placings.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 AeMNb65
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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 O4AUNof

Not sure if that was meant to be an easter egg for those paying attention or just lazy editing but anyway...

Leaving us tonight:

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 DuJ8gJx
Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 5b7u4t3

That was a good episode.  If only they'd fit that much into earlier episodes and not wasted time on catfights.  I'm glad Krystal is sticking around - she gives quality narration.  I vote all Australian dating shows cast at least one Essex girl from now on.  

As for Tilly, I'll be interested to see if she pursued Felix post-show and wouldn't be surprised if they hooked up, even if only briefly.  And if not hey you can always just spread the rumour that you won and enjoy the fantasy for a few weeks, right babe?  Hugesmile

Source: Tenplay

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Post by GuardianAngel Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:36 pm

I think they were foreshadowing in one of the promo's I watched about Jess. Even though Felix said he wouldn't be interested OTOH he felt he should give her a chance. I figured she'd be around for awhile because I'm sure TPTB want to hear conversations about 3's some's as much as possible. laugh out loud


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Post by Bobette Mon Jan 23, 2023 10:32 pm

@GuardianAngel Yes the signs were there from the start - any other season the contestant with a partner on the outside would have been sent packing.  Krystal made a good point last ep about people being bewitched by Jess' pretty face.

Agent99 wrote:I listened to SD while having lunch because she was naming the 'winners'.  Alesia and Angela for Jed, Lauren and Leah for Thomas and Jess and Abigail for Felix.  The first named are the apparent f1s.  Interesting.

Bobette wrote:Lauren over Leah?  Hmmm.  Despite the fact that the clinger/first dates never win and I see zero attraction from him to her, I'm skeptical TPTB would reveal an F1 at the FRC in a pre-season trailer (assuming that's Lauren in the blue dress).

I just checked SD's website and in the article there she says her "source" thinks Lauren won because she wanted her passport post-show, and has anxiety about the show airing.  Hmmmm.  That doesn't sound like rock solid evidence to me.  

Think I'm still siding with Pointsbet on the winner being Leah.  I've already been wrong many times this season so might as well be wrong one last time laugh out loud  Aside from that the other F1s check out IMO.  Poor Jed must have been crushed.  

Also, controversial opinion: I would have rather Jed be the only Lead this season. He seems to be taking the process far more seriously than I expected and his attraction to Alesia is the only F1 choice I find in any way convincing.

They would have had to hand pick the cast since of course he's not everyone's cup of tea, but more quirky left-of-centre girls (and maybe a couple of boys  Hugesmile ) would have been more engaging than what we've ended up with, IMO.

Yes he comes across as young/naiive and a bit insecure IMO, but he's certainly in touch with his emotions and his final four girls did all seem genuinely keen on him. I cannot say the same for any of the other finalists, with the exception of Leah.

Alternatively, they could have cast equal numbers of boys and girls and just let them have at it, ala Bach Pad US.  This season feels stuck in no man's land where it's not Bachelor, but also hasn't evolved enough to be something better, IMO.

Last edited by Bobette on Mon Jan 23, 2023 10:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by leavers Mon Jan 23, 2023 10:44 pm

I'm making my way through the eps and my opinion of Felix has softened a little, I don't think he's maliciously sexist he's just got a lot of maturing and growth to do, which I think he actually could get there maybe? Only twt with these things. There's nothing wrong with not being ready for a relationship and having the urge to sow one's wild oats, just normally those things don't go with being on The Bachelor.

Thomas I think is mostly alright but he's silly about Kiki. What a silly dealbreaker when her kids are 18 - a literal adult! you don't have to worry about that one! - and 9. It's not like they're toddlers and they're never going to be looking for a father figure with the dad on the scene and being so old already. Like Bobette's earlier post said, life is messy - sometimes you've just gotta go with the flow. The only thing I can see being an actual dealbreaker is her not wanting more and him wanting his own, but to even rule out dating over it and see what happens? I don't know. It's really the only black mark I have against Thomas, otherwise I think he is the most emotionally mature. Not that that's saying much this year.

Jed - I think Jed's heart's in the right place, his general life inexperience is the only thing holding him back I think.

As for the women, Jess and Damien are ridiculous. Why are they on the show? Just cheapened the whole thing.  It wasn't edgy, or cool, it was just dumb. That's not polyamory its just cheating where the dude for some reason has no self-esteem and lets it happen! Ludicrous storyline, everyone hated it on twitter, the exact kind of thing that keeps people away from this shitshow.

Tilly went too fast and too hard on the physical connection. For all Felix seems like and acts like that's what he wants I think he actually is looking for the one and I guess he figured out she's not it. She shouldn't feel bad, in fact none of these women should feel bad. Have people forgotten - or not been taught about - He's Just Not That Into You? "Why hasn't he kissed me?" "Why hasn't he asked me on a date?" He's just not that into you! Thankyou, next. Find someone that is.

Just read your post @Bobette - YES. Please just make the show even men/women split (regardless of sexuality) - this having women chase one man or vice versa is just so regressive and does not reflect real dating! What does, is having a more equal pool of opportunities where the choices are truly being made on both sides!

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Bobette Mon Jan 23, 2023 10:56 pm

leavers wrote:Just read your post @Bobette - YES. Please just make the show even men/women split (regardless of sexuality) - this having women chase one man or vice versa is just so regressive and does not reflect real dating! What does, is having a more equal pool of opportunities where the choices are truly being made on both sides!

100% agree :yes:   They've finally managed to break from the original formula, but failed to make the change worthwhile IMO.  They could have kept the roses mechanic for a bit of Bachelor nostalgia and made it more like Bachelor in Paradise, but on the Gold Coast.  

Who cares if the cast are new and not from previous seasons - it doesn't take long to work out who these characters are.  If the producers truly want to bring the show into the modern era, they should be trying to emulate the dynamic fluidity of Are You The One, IMO.

leavers wrote:Thomas I think is mostly alright but he's silly about Kiki. What a silly dealbreaker when her kids are 18 - a literal adult! you don't have to worry about that one! - and 9. It's not like they're toddlers and they're never going to be looking for a father figure with the dad on the scene and being so old already. [...]. The only thing I can see being an actual dealbreaker is her not wanting more and him wanting his own, but to even rule out dating over it and see what happens? I don't know.

Agreed again. The 18 y.o.s I know spend their time at uni, in their room or out with friends and 9 is the same age Snezana's daughter was on Sam's season, and they went on to have 3 more kids.  Yes Snez was younger than Kiki at the time, but had her fourth last year at 41, and Kiki didn't even say she was done with kids - she said it would be something to discuss later, not on the first date. More might come out on the topic tonight but I find Thomas' attitude to blended families problematic.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Bobette Tue Jan 24, 2023 12:44 pm

Episode 10

Ughh.  Here we go again.  Anyone else sick to death of this plot point?  Felix says Jessica makes him wants to try new things.  "Like, I'm dabbling in polyamoury for Christ's sake", he says.

Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 Ijut1mV

Alright, look.  This needs to be said.  I don't think anyone on this show actually knows what polyamoury is.  You are NOT dabbling in polyamoury, Felix, and neither are Jess or Damien.

What we have here is Jess stringing Doormat Damo along while she sleeps around with anyone who takes her fancy.  You would NOT be cool with her doing that to you.  SNAP OUT OF IT MAN.

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Meanwhile, Thomas says Kiki "brushed off" the question about whether or not she wants more kids.  Um no she didn't.  She said it would be something to discuss "when the time's right".  Big difference!

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He's saying he doesn't have the answers he was looking for, but when she asks him what he thinks their relationship would look like, he says they would "experience the creation of life" and "growing... it".  

Huh?  You planning to date this woman or plant a veggie patch?  Either way, Thomas is a boob for passing up a shot at Kiki just because she can't give him iron clad guarantees IMO and I suspect he'll regret it.

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I have warmed to Jed.  Yes he's like a little peacock with his clothes and makeup and yes his look is derivative but his girls seem to genuinely like him so I feel like he must have taken time to really connect with them.

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Couples Therapist

Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 EQEOI1y

Alesia is starting to back pedal.  Seems she's worked out that she's Jed's favourite and he's likely to propose, and she's not thrilled about the prospect.  He's much more into her than she is into him, IMO.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 RMvdFY2

Leah says that she and Thomas agree they want two children and no doubt already has a list of baby names and again I feel compelled to point out that you can't just order kids as if you're at the local fish & chip shop.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 KSa5A3i

Thomas is still obsessed with Kiki's inability to guarantee him children even though they've only had 2 dates.  Kiki is being honest and rational while Thomas is being narrow-minded and doesn't deserve her, IMO.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 BwFLX0K

OMG these two :headbanging Felix says if he chooses Jess he would expect her to dump Damien and she says she "probably wouldn't feel comfortable having sex with Damien" if they ended up together.  What a novel idea!

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 HlZYA7o

And then we race through the others with barely any commentary.  What a waste of time that was, rehashing the one (1) plot point assigned to each woman.  Heaven forbid anyone should appear multidimensional.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 6rT1Raj
Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 D4aPi87
Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 8alYb3f

Later that evening, Jess does a 180 and decides her "ideal situation would be maintaining a sexual relationship with Damien".  I wonder what on earth she sees in Damien, while Abigail screams into her cocktail.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 CWIrfwB

Courtney tells Jed she's had enough and wants to go home.  Jed seems legitimately disappointed and sends her off with a hug and a kiss.  I like Courtney.  In fact for once I like almost all the remaining girls.  Almost.  laugh out loud

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 6S4ydzR
Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 MyfupMq

This scene of Jed gossiping with his top two is going straight to the top of my list of all time favourite Bachie moments laugh out loud  

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 04YwBQq
Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 O3sK1zS

Angela was reportedly devastated not to win and it's been really noticeable this episode how much she likes him IMO.

Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 HosADxY

All that scene above needs is a white tiger on a leash at Jed's feet and you've got yourself a villain in the next Bond film.

Kiki and Krystal go home

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 6 8TMf4aB

Next episode is meet the parents and Thomas "goes rogue"?  I wouldn't have thought he'd have the balls to do anything that interesting but I guess we shall see.

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Post by Sundy Wed Jan 25, 2023 6:46 am

So no Meet the parents for Thomas?

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Bachelor Australia - Season 10 - Felix - Jed - Thomas - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Dirty Street Pie
14 posters
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