Special Forces World's Toughest Test - Season 2 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Special Forces World's Toughest Test - Season 2 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 2 Empty Re: Special Forces World's Toughest Test - Season 2 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Sprite Tue Oct 17, 2023 12:27 am

Rangers are having a discussion and making fun of Jack and his hurting his "cricket" finger. They are seriously laughing. Then they discuss how badly Erin sucked as a leader and bring her in for interrogation.

They are impressed by the fact that she went from roller blading to winning a medal at the Olympics in only 5 years. He dad spent 20 years in the army and her mom died when she was in high school and she wasn't there when she finally passed after a long illness. She was overseas at a competition. I think she is used to holding things in and not making waves. They are encouraging her saying she does have the strength, but needs to step up more. She really misses her mom.

When Erin gets back she is chatting with Tyler and opening up. She says she always got along with her dad, but it was more difficult with her mom. He says his mom was tough too and would give them a kick in the butt when they needed it. He says that was their way of showing love. He talks about how his mom passed away and how much he depended on her opinions. He feels lost sometimes now because he can't discuss things with her anymore.

Wow...we are getting a lot more of Tyler this episode. Hard working, encouraging, helpful and supportive. Reminds me very much of Hannah's edit last season.

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Special Forces World's Toughest Test - Season 2 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 2 Empty Re: Special Forces World's Toughest Test - Season 2 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Sprite Tue Oct 17, 2023 1:25 am

After that nice moment between Erin and Tyler, we come back to Tom whining about how people were hateful to him on SM because of his affair. Erin has no clue as to who this guy or his ex are. (I don't either.) Apparently people used to think he was cool because he was on Vanderpump Rules, but now they hate him. He wants to punish himself because he deserves it. I think he is an idiot. You can see the other reality show people...JoJo, Nick and Tyler...just kind of going WTH?

They are called up to the next task out at some quarry. They have to do hand to hand combat...till the death or in this case, until time is called. They need to show strength, but also control.

Jack of course has a question. Can he go relieve himself? Will he poop himself? Maybe. They tell him they have all done will add reality to it. I am dying. They really hate him.

Tyler vs. Bodi. They make a point of mentioning that Bodi is the oldest person there and is 15 years older than Tyler, but Tyler says he has been in fights and people underestimate him. Tyler wins, but it was a good fight. As soon as they said stop, he did. They are good, respectful.

Erin vs JoJo. Erin has never been in a fight. She is laughing nervously. JoJo is 5 inches taller and says she trains boxing at home, but never wants to use it. Erin lands some good punches, but eventually is overpowered. Another good fight. JoJo comes back for the win. They are good.

Tom vs. Nick. Tom used to wrestle in school. Nick hopes his competitive nature will kick in. Staff looks at Nick and tells him to kill him (Tom). They haven't said this for anyone else and Tom gives him a look. Another one they really don't like! They are really going at it and it's pretty even. Staff calls stop and Tom doesn't and throws a couple more punches. Oh, that is not going to go over well. He still wins, but has shown he has no self control. You think? He couldn't keep it in his pants so we already knew that.

And here comes Jack. They made him wait till last so he would really need to go to the bathroom, but first he has to tell us that he knows how to fight and that he competes in Jiu Jitsu tournaments. Naturally. Of course, he knows because he is the only one left they will make him fight one of the staff. He is so ridiculous. Instead, they think since Tom is still fired up, they will make him fight know it all Jack. Oh, this should be good. Both of them have said they wear down their opponents. Jack gives Tom a bloody nose and they make them stop. Jack finally wins something, but Tom was exhausted.

When they get back Jack asks Tom how he is doing. Bodi tells him he gets the most blood award and that it is all over his face. The look he gives before going outside! He is crying in the prvy and Bodi comes and encourages him a bit before staff call him in for interrogation.

They are worried about his state of mind. His eyes looks seriously crazed. They tell him that was bad earlier and Tom says he thought about quitting. No pity for him. They say he is only giving them 50% and they don't want to hear his pity party. This is so stupid. He is talking about his publicist and selling merchandise and the staff are practically rolling their eyes. They tell him to stop playing the victim because it makes him look pathetic. "You are not a victim. You created this." They tell him to own what he did. He can't blame others. Take responsibility and make this your new start. They think in reality tv it is all about drawing attention to yourself...even if it is negative. Yup.

Tom comes back and is OTT...this has been so theraputic. Meanwhile, in ITM he thinks his his temper could be his biggest strength and keep him in this or his biggest downfall. I'm going for the latter.

Next week...helicopters and that thing from the commercial where they cross a rope stretched between two cliffs on their stomach. Can't wait to see who cracks first...Tom or Jack.

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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:45 pm

@Sprite thanks so much for the incredible recap! Very much appreciated! Interesting editing.



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Special Forces World's Toughest Test - Season 2 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 2 Empty Re: Special Forces World's Toughest Test - Season 2 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Sprite Mon Nov 06, 2023 11:26 pm

And they're back!!!

We finally get some Nick. Almost more than we have had all season.

First challenge and they are dropped on a mountain to cross between the two sides. In the middle they have to drop and untangle the rope and then get themselves back on to the rope and finish.

Bode is up first and does ok the first part, but then has issues getting back up to finish. He is bloodied and bruised and passed.

Jack of course brings up his previous training and talks about listening to the instructor...and then promptly fails.

JoJo, Erin, Tyler all fail.

Tom looked like he wouldn't get back up, but did it and was the first pass.

Nick is last and he fails too.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Sprite Mon Nov 06, 2023 11:35 pm

Helicopter extracts them and they are dropped off away from the camp. The ones who failed have to carry the packs of the 2 who passed and Nick and Tyler have to carry each of the guys as they are supposed to be injured. Tyler does it, but Nick is having issues and has to put Tom down. JoJo is a rock star and she carries Tom the rest of the way. He is a whole head taller than her and probably out weighs her by at least 50+ pounds!

They get back and Nick is struggling. The cold has got to him and they are trying to warm him up. He is out of it. I wonder if they will medically discharge him? That would explain the sudden interest in showing him.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Sprite Tue Nov 07, 2023 12:03 am

Nick is back, but still not feeling great.

The staff are discussing the cast. They think Bode is an SOB and looks down on them.
They think Nick is the weakest...or he thinks he is the weakest. They want to talk to him. Why is he here? He wants to be here for those who need him...fiancee and baby. They kind of laugh when he tells them that he is a podcast host of a show about relationships. They tell him he has potential to be there at the end, but he is going backwards and not forwards. Tough love.

Back at the camp Jack wants to know what they talked about, but Nick is coughing.

Ladies are chopping wood while staff are not impressed by the group...think they are mediocre. They are plotting to surprise them and they have to an obstacle course...first dipping in water and running the course. Nick and Jack are having problems. Particularly Nick. Bode's hands are bleeding and they are riding him. He is constantly talking back and having attitude.

They ask if anyone wants to give up. Everyone says no. Back in the house, Bode is still whining and unsurprisingly they call him in for interrogation. They want mavericks, but they still have to be disciplined. They do not like Bode. They were laughing when they were pushing him.

He tells them that the only time he doesn't like authority is when he thinks it isn't fair. They tell him stuff in their life isn't fair. He starts crying and talking about his kids and his child who drowned. They tell him he is more than capable, but his attitude needs to improve.

Tom's back is hurting. Jack's heart is racing. Nick is quietly crying.

Next week is escaping from the submerged helicopter and Jack is being checked out by medical for his racing heart.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Special Forces World's Toughest Test - Season 2 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 2 Empty Re: Special Forces World's Toughest Test - Season 2 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Sprite Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:56 am

Tonight they really seemed to be gunning for Bodi. He was shown as being full of himself...kind of like Jack, but unlike Jack, he can at least back up his mouth with his actions.

One of the things the staff said tonight is that some people are just waiting for an excuse to drop out. Nick, Jack and Bode were all shown. Jack and Bode have been bitching about being ordered around, while Nick just seems exhausted. Tom might also be a possibility because he was shown complaining about his back.

We really haven't seen much from Erin. She is in the background and doesn't seem to complain too much. She does ok. Nothing outstanding that I remember, although she was shown sucking at leading the group last episode.

So far, JoJo has been shown in a positive light. She is the youngest, but has been shown in a mature light. She tries, doesn't complain and gets on with it. I was seriously impressed with her carrying Tom tonight.

Same with Tyler. We really don't see/hear much of him. He doesn't complain and tries to do what is necessary. He and JoJo have had the best edit thus far. They have said several times that he is a beast and have mentioned his leadership skills, particularly when he stepped up for Erin when she zoned out the previous episode.

One thing that I have noticed several times now with regard to the edit, which I may be overthinking, is how they are editing Tyler. When they do voice overs about who is the strongest, who wants to be here, who will be here at the end...they cut to him. I noticed it a few episodes ago and I have been on the look out for it ever since. It is how they edited Hannah last season. She was mainly MIA the first few episodes, but was shown being supportive to everyone and they seem to be doing the same with him this season. I am curious to see how it goes.

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Post by Norcalgal Thu Nov 09, 2023 7:34 pm

Wouldn't it be hilarious if both Hannah and Tyler finish on top in season 1 and 2! Those two are going to be forever linked - regardless of who else is in their lives!

Been watching this crap show like forever

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Special Forces World's Toughest Test - Season 2 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 2 Empty Re: Special Forces World's Toughest Test - Season 2 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by GuardianAngel Mon Nov 13, 2023 9:51 pm

@Sprite once again, thanks for the play by play!! yes


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Special Forces World's Toughest Test - Season 2 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 2 Empty Re: Special Forces World's Toughest Test - Season 2 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Sprite Mon Nov 13, 2023 11:33 pm

Latest episode starts with 7 recruits and Jack's heart rate is at 104. He is off to the see the doctor and because he has MS they keep him under observation.

Rest of the recruits are off for another challenge. They have to escape a helicopter which is under water in freezing water. They have to wait underwater until given a signal, unbuckle and get a life jacket before surfacing. Tyler is encouraging and reassuring Erin.

Erin is first. She says drowning is a big fear. She is panicking and fails to finish. Fail.
Tom doesn't like water. Staff tell him to not get this wrong. He passes.
Bode's daughter drowned so that is tough, but he passes.
Nick...staff say he is panicking before he even gets in the water, but he makes it.
Tyler wants to show he is more than a sex symbol. Pass.
JoJo is last. I missed her result as I am at work and will have to re-watch when I get back home. Based on the fact they pulled her in for a talk, I'm thinking she failed....Edit...Watched and she passed. They just didn't like that she was goofing around before and smiling while getting instructions.

The doctors discharged him since his heart rate wasn't going down.

JoJo is called in for questioning. They think she hides behind her smile. She says she is very hard on herself and it was difficult growing up in front of everyone. They tell her she has to tap into the aggressive part of herself or she won't make it. She is in tears when she goes back. Erin and Tyler follow her when she goes out. She asks them to tell her not to quit.

Last edited by Sprite on Tue Nov 14, 2023 3:55 am; edited 1 time in total

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Special Forces World's Toughest Test - Season 2 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 2 Empty Re: Special Forces World's Toughest Test - Season 2 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Sprite Tue Nov 14, 2023 12:03 am

In the latrine...Tyler is reassuring JoJo.

Next up...they have to open a gate and fight whatever is waiting on the other side. Then have to turn it off when signaled.

Tom is first. Ultra aggression, but no head shots. I think he has no problem with that. They tell him he didn't have enough he was making love to the guy.
JoJo is next. She seems to have done ok.
Nick gets a good effort.
Bode seemed ok as was Erin.

Tyler brings his inner beast and does a head shot. He did stop when told. Either him or me. They bring him in for a chat. He says he kind of got caught up in the fame and he didn't realize what was happening at first. Then his mom died. He is coming to terms with losing her. They are positive with him and tell him he has the leadership ability and they liked seeing him bring out the aggression. They also worry that he is holding a lot in and only he can work on himself. Even when confronting him, they are really nice. Lots of nodding from both when they are listening to Tyler speak. They feel he is doing this to work on himself. They seem to really like him. I would even go so far to say, that out of all of them, they like him the most. It may have something to do with his work ethic, how respectful he always is and even maybe because his brother is in the service.

Next they have to write their letters to family if anything happens to them and write to each other. Being in special forces isn't about being the toughest or the fastest, but about mental fortitude. Everyone is crying.

Next week is crawling over snow and coming under fire.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Sprite Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:45 pm

We are getting close to the end. It's day seven and there are only 6 left...JoJo, Erin, Tom, Body, Nick and Tyler. They say they have only 48 hours left.

They are going to be pulling 135 lb. sleds for two miles over really hard terrain. Tyler/Erin, Tom/Nick, Body/JoJo.

Body/JoJo are doing well, but he is not a good partner. He doesn't listen much and wants to do everything on his own. Second.

Tom/Nick are having trouble from the start. Tom is not exactly helping much. He looks like he wants to puke. They come last.

Erin/Tyler are working really well together. Taking turns pulling and finish first.

Then they all have to run to a spot, do planking and then crawl. They want to see who will crack first. Body is complaining about his groin and as usual is not exactly following direction. He is walking instead of crawling. They ask him what he wants to do...give up or continue. He takes off the arm band and is done.

Time for evaluation of the remaining recruits. Their top pick is Tyler...solid, strong, good character and has been stepping up; next Erin; JoJo; Nick and Tom is the weakest.

Now the staff comes and tries to teach them about survival when they are behind enemy lines. They need a cover story and have to remember it. Then they pull them individually while hooded to watch videos from home. They want to see how they respond to influence from family.

Tyler's dad tells him to make mamma proud.
Nick's fiancee tells him she loves him.
Erin's team mate tells her to remember why she is doing this.
JoJo's parents tell her to be brave.
Tom's mom tells him she loves him and is encouraging. He is crying.

Next...get ready to roll. They are driven to a forest and have to navigate their way using a compass and a map. They are fired upon as they are being driven. They are pulled out. They are split into teams. Tyler/Nick and JoJo/Tom/Erin and they are hunted by dogs. JoJo seems to be leading her group. Tom is not listening at all.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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