Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers

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Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers - Page 19 Empty Re: Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers

Post by Jeepers Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:19 pm

JPs comments were pretty much in line with what ChrisL said about it being a done deal and they can all go home now. Maybe a bit different wording but the exact same meaning. So yes, it was an absolute negative

I also nave found over the seasons that some things get a bit overlooked regarding the board favorite. Just wanted to point out that JP does have his moments and makes one think that just maybe he isn't getting that good ole F1 edit. As some call it - wonky

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Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers - Page 19 Empty Re: Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers

Post by pavalygurl Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:20 pm

nutty1 wrote:
Jeepers wrote: Re: Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Thread #1
by Alexxxx Yesterday at 10:13 pm

albean99 wrote:
Just watched Ashley's time with JP and thought she looked distracted. Maybe not by Bentley but Ben?

I like Ames, Ben F, Mickey, and maybe am coming back around to Ryan but am not feeling this season at all. Maybe it's because I'm bored by Ashley and the whole B-word fiasco. If there's a love story, I'm missing it so far but if there is one, I think it's a stretch to say it's for sure JP no matter what the spoilers.

Spoilers are a very funny thing. We have two independent sources now saying JP is F1. But, one of those sources started out saying Ben is F1. I don't know if it's a language thing, or a misunderstanding of the show concept, or what, but for some reason he flipped. I think we can throw him out as reliable. That leaves us with RS, who has had the F1 wrong the last two seasons. I'm not feeling comfortable assuming anything yet.

This isn’t the Sound of freaking Music we’re watching.........sdl


ALEXXX I have to agree with you on this. We actually have only source Who is somewhat reliable at best who has not changed gears and is sticking to his guns so far

I have to say that as much as I like Ben and JP, I find it very interesting with all the JP love that no one has mentioned his faults last night and what he said in a couple of his PIs tonight. He basically said that there is NO competition for him and he has this in the bag.

Seriously an F1 comment???

And the sitting on his lap scene... Yup she follows direction very well up to the point where she slides off and then is sitting leaning back away from him, leaning on her hands, basically out of reach in some ways. It definitely was not JPs episode to shine

The date, the part that we were shown with Ben, did not appear to be hot and heavy, but in their defense, it was definitely sweet and charming. As much as Ben wants to break down his walls, he is having a very difficult time doing so. We did find out ALOT about him tho during that date as well. He is a very intelligent and well spoken guy, fun aNd funny as well. We here know that there was ALOT more to that date as well.

Gotta say tho that I LUV AMES lol. And agree he would be a great bachelor

I like this post. Because this season is just so unsettled. Wouldn't it be something if neither Ben nor JP was final 1??? That with the language barriers, Fijiman just got confused, and RS was once again Fleissed?! And someone like Ames or Ryan is F1??? I'd crack up, LOL!!
I am not on the JP bandwagon, but think he is a great guy. But I still say his edit is obvious. Then on the other hand, with the whole Bentley story, it may be a Bentley vs JP scenario.
And sweet Ben....I am not saying there is no hope for him as F1, but those hopes are dwindling. I am begininning to think he may be better off not "winning". I don't know if Ashley is the right girl for him. Now like we discussed in a different thread...Shawntel....oh yea, that I could see!
Anyway, I still don't see it as a done deal, and hope the JP love doesn't get in the way of continuing to figure out what is going on.
This post was probably as confusing as this season is!

Perhaps Shawntel. I read somewhere they follow each other on twitter. They could be interesting together. She resembles his sister! I don't think he will have any trouble IRL. I think it will be like Reid...trying to take a sip of water from a hose.


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Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers - Page 19 Empty Re: Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers

Post by imouttatime Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:20 pm

Per Reality Steve's spoilers for the group date on this episode, there was supposed to be a final match of Blake vs. Ryan which wasn't shown or maybe it didn't happen?

"Group Date: Eight men compete against each other in Muay Thai boxing, tournament style. Kinda similar to Ali’s guys wrestling in Portugal, except much more manly and less oily. Ryan beats Ames and accidentally gives the guy a concussion, sending him to the emergency room. Blake beats Lucas. Constantine beats Nick. JP beats Mickey. Constantine and JP bow out of the competition, so Blake and Ryan have one final match. Blake ends up winning and he gets the rose later that night."


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Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers - Page 19 Empty Re: Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers

Post by Jeepers Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:22 pm

BlondieGal wrote:In reading the board last night many posters thought that there was very little if any chemistry between Ash and Ben F, and I agree. Ashley again pulled away from her kisses with Ben, and I wonder if one kiss was shown twice. Ben F seems a tad bit emotionally immature regarding relationships, although very sweet and kind. He seems like he is at the high school stage of his life with dating. He said that he was stuck in an emotional state after his father passed away, so perhaps that played into it. I don't know, something is off. I have no idea how he got to F2. Perhaps Ashley felt the safest around him in terms of the fantasy suite and last chance date. That is my only guess. :greenman:

Again, I have absolutely no favorites rather just my observations regarding the show. 8)

I have to somewhat agree but not completely. I saw a guy trying to want to open up but still can't and remains somewhat where he says he was a Year ago

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Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers - Page 19 Empty Re: Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers

Post by Kelad9 Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:23 pm

BlondieGal wrote:In reading the board last night many posters thought that there was very little if any chemistry between Ash and Ben F, and I agree. Ashley again pulled away from her kisses with Ben, and I wonder if one kiss was shown twice. Ben F seems a tad bit emotionally immature regarding relationships, although very sweet and kind. He seems like he is at the high school stage of his life with dating. He said that he was stuck in an emotional state after his father passed away, so perhaps that played into it. I don't know, something is off. I have no idea how he got to F2. Perhaps Ashley felt the safest around him in terms of the fantasy suite and last chance date. That is my only guess. :greenman:

Again, I have absolutely no favorites rather just my observations regarding the show. 8)

Either Ashley felt safest or maybe the guy Ashley wanted felt safer. It seems to me that Ben F and JP gets along great or at least what I've seen from edits.
I'm not sure why Ames doesn't get into the F3 since she seems to talk about him a lot in her blogs unless something happened with his family on HTD (if he got one).


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Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers - Page 19 Empty Re: Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers

Post by dee Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:25 pm

imouttatime wrote:Per Reality Steve's spoilers for the group date on this episode, there was supposed to be a final match of Blake vs. Ryan which wasn't shown or maybe it didn't happen?

"Group Date: Eight men compete against each other in Muay Thai boxing, tournament style. Kinda similar to Ali’s guys wrestling in Portugal, except much more manly and less oily. Ryan beats Ames and accidentally gives the guy a concussion, sending him to the emergency room. Blake beats Lucas. Constantine beats Nick. JP beats Mickey. Constantine and JP bow out of the competition, so Blake and Ryan have one final match. Blake ends up winning and he gets the rose later that night."

Oh it probably did happen. There was a picture where the guys were standing near a trophy. I think the reason they didn't show it has to do with Ryan's wonky edit. Guess they were desperate last week for a story to create drama so they showed how "fake" and "annoying" Ryan was and how no one liked him. In contrast this week, Ryan seems to be fine in all the guys' eyes. Apparently he is not "annoying" or any of those other negative attributes he was last week.

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Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers - Page 19 Empty Re: Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers

Post by pavalygurl Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:26 pm

jlccaz wrote:Armchair psychology (just because we can)....

Ashley is being presented as a mess -- insecure, erratic, impulsive, obsessive, and walled off emotionally. She does not seem to be having any fun except in a scripted manner (saying what's socially expected about what is romantic, amazing, etc.).

Frankly? She seems to be a younger, female Brad Womack.... with the classic "daddy issues" exhibited by girls who were abandoned by fathers too young -- i.e., being impulsively/compulsively drawn to abusive inappropriate mates. Brad/Ashely's first date at the amusement park "clicked" for them because they could so deeply relate to the shared pain of a father who walked off the job.

As Ben F was describing his terrific father last night, I read (perhaps projected?!) the pain on her face that she DIDN'T have that. You don't see her transitioning to what a terrific mate Ben would make for HER because he had that. She does not seem to have done adequate processing of her own grief/anger/loss and until she is, she isn't ready to "pick" yet.

One could fantasize that the emotional roller coaster / "journey" of filming this dumb show is the equivalent of therapy, but that's not real. Half the dang season has passed, and she is not going to work it out in the next three weeks of filming.

I agree. I saw the same sadness in her eyes that she had not had the benefit of a father such as Ben's. I really, really hope she takes some time to sort out her own feelings by whatever means is helpful before becoming engaged. Not hopeful this is gonna happen though.


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Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers - Page 19 Empty Re: Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers

Post by agentcurls Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:28 pm

Jeepers wrote:JPs comments were pretty much in line with what ChrisL said about it being a done deal and they can all go home now. Maybe a bit different wording but the exact same meaning. So yes, it was an absolute negative

I also nave found over the seasons that some things get a bit overlooked regarding the board favorite. Just wanted to point out that JP does have his moments and makes one think that just maybe he isn't getting that good ole F1 edit. As some call it - wonky

I agree he has his moments...I think it was in a jokey context...and he could've been referring to the boxing match and not the competition to win Ashley's heart. By no means do I believe JP thinks he "has it all in the bag" at this point. He still seems rather anxious and on his toes. I don't think he is getting the perfect edit but who is perfect anyway? It's refreshing to see some real emotions...

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Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers - Page 19 Empty Re: Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers

Post by Starshine_16 Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:29 pm

KareyR2 wrote:I am probably the only one here with sympathy and understanding for Ashley in the whole "Bentley" thing. She was raised in a very small town, where they were so trusting, they had an "honour system" at their vegetable stand!!!! Remember how blown away Brad was by that, and how he wanted to live there. I was raised like that, with a Father who made deals on machinery for hundreds of thousands of dollars on a handshake, with never once a bad outcome. That was how I was raised, and I was conned by a international conman and left homeless, penniless, and car less!!! But that's my story on Dateline NBC!!!

It happens.....Ashley had no clue what Bentley was saying behind her back, and when did CH ever even try to clue her in. I never heard CH say anything like you need to hear what he is telling us Ashley, behind your back..."he is calling you an ugly duckling...he is wanting Emily here!!!"....yadda, yadda. Show her the fricking tapes.

While everryone here is pretty much coming down on Ashley, TPTB kept the truth of him, and her ultimate humiliation, from her. They can say they warned her..... I call BS on that. They had plenty of chances to even put a little bug in her ear, and none of that happened. I am sickened and saddened that someone raised, so trusting as Ashley, was played by not only Bentley the A$$....but also TPTB. She was just not raised equipped with that level of evil!!! It is not in her being. It is not a fair fight!!! JMHO
Loving JP for Ashley and Ames for me
Karey :yes:

I agree word

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Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers - Page 19 Empty Re: Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers

Post by Kelad9 Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:29 pm

agentcurls wrote:
Jeepers wrote:JPs comments were pretty much in line with what ChrisL said about it being a done deal and they can all go home now. Maybe a bit different wording but the exact same meaning. So yes, it was an absolute negative

I also nave found over the seasons that some things get a bit overlooked regarding the board favorite. Just wanted to point out that JP does have his moments and makes one think that just maybe he isn't getting that good ole F1 edit. As some call it - wonky

I agree he has his moments...I think it was in a jokey context...and he could've been referring to the boxing match and not the competition to win Ashley's heart. By no means do I believe JP thinks he "has it all in the bag" at this point. He still seems rather anxious and on his toes. I don't think he is getting the perfect edit but who is perfect anyway? It's refreshing to see some real emotions...

in the past few seasons, F1 has always had a little negative edit as well as seeming to be very overconfident about being F1 in the end with the exception of Emily. Look at Roberto, Look at Vienna.... etc...


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Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers - Page 19 Empty Re: Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers

Post by ironcat Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:29 pm

Alexxxx wrote:
jlccaz wrote:Armchair psychology (just because we can)....

Ashley is being presented as a mess -- insecure, erratic, impulsive, obsessive, and walled off emotionally. She does not seem to be having any fun except in a scripted manner (saying what's socially expected about what is romantic, amazing, etc.).

Frankly? She seems to be a younger, female Brad Womack.... with the classic "daddy issues" exhibited by girls who were abandoned by fathers too young -- i.e., being impulsively/compulsively drawn to abusive inappropriate mates. Brad/Ashely's first date at the amusement park "clicked" for them because they could so deeply relate to the shared pain of a father who walked off the job.

As Ben F was describing his terrific father last night, I read (perhaps projected?!) the pain on her face that she DIDN'T have that. You don't see her transitioning to what a terrific mate Ben would make for HER because he had that. She does not seem to have done adequate processing of her own grief/anger/loss and until she is, she isn't ready to "pick" yet.

One could fantasize that the emotional roller coaster / "journey" of filming this dumb show is the equivalent of therapy, but that's not real. Half the dang season has passed, and she is not going to work it out in the next three weeks of filming.

It's funny, when watching that scene last night between Ben and Ashley and the father discussion, I remembered Brad and Chantal and thinking how much Brad needed Chantal's dad in his life. Ashley could use a dad like Ben's in her life, but you're right. She's not ready.

Gotta say I don't really understand why you say Ashley is "not ready"? She is trying to decide how interested she is in Ben, not his father (who btw, since he is sadly deceased, wouldn't be in her life in the flesh even if she chose Ben). I can certainly understand her feeling some personal pain/loss at hearing about anyone who had/has a wonderful relationship with their dad, since she never had that. But I don't see that reaction as evidence that she is running away from Ben because of it, anymore than it should be a reason that she should pursue him because of it. For all we know, many of the other guys have wonderful dads as well.


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Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers - Page 19 Empty Re: Episode 5 - 6/20 - Discussion - Spoilers

Post by jlccaz Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:31 pm

BlondieGal wrote:In reading the board last night many posters thought that there was very little if any chemistry between Ash and Ben F, and I agree. Ashley again pulled away from her kisses with Ben, and I wonder if one kiss was shown twice. Ben F seems a tad bit emotionally immature regarding relationships, although very sweet and kind. He seems like he is at the high school stage of his life with dating. He said that he was stuck in an emotional state after his father passed away, so perhaps that played into it. I don't know, something is off. I have no idea how he got to F2. Perhaps Ashley felt the safest around him in terms of the fantasy suite and last chance date. That is my only guess. :greenman:

Again, I have absolutely no favorites rather just my observations regarding the show. 8)

(a) I'm not seein' it with him (or anyone) for her either...he presented as sincere in all those PIs, but she didn't sell the words she was saying about him during hers, and she seems to have her mind somewhere else when he's opening up as I said above, and
(b) being fair to the whole picture, I suppose some weight could be given to fact of two other kisses (marketplace and away from the table on the evening portion of the date) shown in screencaps, but not aired as part of the episode.

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