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Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5

Post by George1218 Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:17 pm

Diana wrote:
ReneeM wrote:All this talk about maturity, and high road, and being above it, Vanessa unfollowed Rachel on IG today.
I don't blame her. Why should she follow someone who goes around telling everyone on SM that she doesn't like her? laugh out loud

ITA - she has kept her thoughts and feeling about Rachel and the whole disagreement thing to herself. I haven't seen that she has said anything bad about anyone at all post show and people are going online and saying they don't like her. I don't blame her at all.

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Post by AllAboutLove Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:19 pm

If Vanessa unfollowed Rachel that makes sense to me. As I posted above (apologies for quoting myself), ".... only when they are rebuffed and that initiation on their part is rejected is when they step back and let it be what it is and stop trying to connect (but more so because it is a dead end at that point) [IMO]."

I think it was made very clear to Vanessa per Rachel's comments on IG live and Ellen after Vanessa had already congratulated her and hadn't said anything but postivie things about Rachel that Vanessa has tried and subsequently has reached a dead end. No harm, no foul, and speaks well of her that she tried, imo. :yes:

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Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5

Post by Guest Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:23 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:Vanessa as a Special Ed teacher I think would view things a little differently and especially being excluded I think is something that she would, as a teacher, likely ensure that all her students feel included and cared for by each other and no one left out or made to "feel" left out. 

Vanessa's HTD showed me that's how she would be. So when trying to put myself in her POV, I can see how she would feel very hurt since to her, she likely is someone who spends her time trying to bring people together and "understand" each other's POV and in this case, her reportedly taking the initiative to approach Rachel it seems like that's what she was trying to do - "connect". 

It's why I've always said that Vanessa reminds me of Nick as Nick is also someone who tries to understand and connect and will initiate conversation to try gain an understanding (he did with Shawn on K's season as well). That to me is because Vanessa and Nick are people who value open communication and connecting through communication (it may be a Libra thing since they both are as well as both having large families). To them, I think they are the type of people who will always try to connect and find understanding with someone else rather than just shut them out since they see people/themselves as human and flawed and worthy of a chance and only when they are rebuffed and that initiation on their part is rejected is when they step back and let it be what it is and stop trying to connect (but more so because it is a dead end at that point). 


Reading the print out she approach Rachel after talking to Nick, not before. That is why Rachel went off. Do it the other way and then things might have been different. IMO


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Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5

Post by coolangel Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:24 pm

ReneeM wrote:

I've been checking multiple times since the IG live. I follow them both. As early as this morning the follow was still there. It no longer is. SC is mine.

Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 13 Fullsi11

ETA: The mobile app is more reliable with follows/followers.

I just took a screenshot on my phone. Still shows that she is following Rachel. Maybe it's showing up for me since I literally follow 5 contestants from this show. laugh out loud laugh out loud

Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 13 Img_5213
Source: My SC

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Post by Loulou Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:24 pm

For what it's worth my observations during the season on V are: yes we saw her discussing Dlo but at no stage did she say she was a bad person and that she didn't like her - just not right for N; V may have like Tayla but found the whole argument with Corrine over the top and the wrong approach; N and V have open open and honest communication thru out this process and I can not imagine them not discussing her 'house' experiences; if fact N discussed his sending Dlo home on the boat; RS did not state if the 'argument' happened before the beach date where N where it was R who slammed the ball and walked away from the volleyball game; imo N and R discussion at this date was very telling as if I remember correctly ' don't want you to go but if its not working for.....' - felt this may have highlighted his feeling for V; then it was Ns decision for all the girls to go on the after date from the beach which as R is a competitive would not go down well. AMO. But I also feel that that the girls do not give N credit to be able to make his own decisions. All this makes me feel like Rs actions have been fuelled but jealousy. All my humble opinions and observations.


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Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5

Post by Diana Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:25 pm

This is from right now. I just screenshotted it from Vanessa's IG Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 13 R57oUKj

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Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5

Post by sosleepy Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:25 pm

Yeah. Team Vanessa on this one. She tried, was supportive of her getting the Ette gig, played nice with a follow, reached out, tried to let it be water under the bridge. And Rachel - who got the freaking Bachelorette gig and is thus, the defacto real winner here - can't even take the high road to be kind publicly? Yeah, F that. Soooooo super rude to even take it to the next level being publicly outright rude. God, I want to like Rachel, but this behavior from her sucks. She's a 31 year old professional. Not a middle schooler.

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Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5

Post by Guest Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:31 pm

She was asked a question she answered honestly. Should she had answered that way? NO I would not have. Life is complicated, we all make mistake, no one is prefect. They did not gel, Vanessa talk to Nick before Rachel, it should have been the other way around and then I think things would have been better.


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Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5

Post by ReneeM Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:32 pm

coolangel wrote:
ReneeM wrote:

I've been checking multiple times since the IG live. I follow them both. As early as this morning the follow was still there. It no longer is. SC is mine.

Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 13 Fullsi11

ETA: The mobile app is more reliable with follows/followers.

I just took a screenshot on my phone. Still shows that she is following Rachel. Maybe it's showing up for me since I literally follow 5 contestants from this show. laugh out loud laugh out loud

Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 13 Img_5213
Source: My SC

I don't even know then. If I search for her in Rachel's followers, she doesn't show up. If I search for Rachel in her following, Rachel does show up. It's not about the amount of contestants I follow since she was there and now she isn't & the amount I follow hasn't changed. I think she did unfollow but IG's just being slow IMO.


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Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5

Post by Diana Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:33 pm

ReneeM wrote:
coolangel wrote:
ReneeM wrote:

I've been checking multiple times since the IG live. I follow them both. As early as this morning the follow was still there. It no longer is. SC is mine.

Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 13 Fullsi11

ETA: The mobile app is more reliable with follows/followers.

I just took a screenshot on my phone. Still shows that she is following Rachel. Maybe it's showing up for me since I literally follow 5 contestants from this show. laugh out loud laugh out loud

Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 13 Img_5213
Source: My SC

I don't even know then. If I search for her in Rachel's followers, she doesn't show up. If I search for Rachel in her following, Rachel does show up. It's not about the amount of contestants I follow since she was there and now she isn't & the amount I follow hasn't changed. I think she did unfollow but IG's just being slow IMO.
Hmm. She shows up both ways for me no idea

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Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 13 Empty Re: Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5

Post by Kashathediva Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:33 pm

The more important point: the 'Ette lead needs a following which =ratings/viewership. So why not support each other and be team players at this point.
If that had been done, we would not be having this discussion.
If that had been done perhaps there might be a bigger spike on "social media".

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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Post by Ladybug82 Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:36 pm

I'm probably alone in this but I'm basically Team IDon'tCare. laugh out loud I like them both well enough, meaning more like than dislike.  Now that doesn't mean on any given day when they say or do something it might change a little.  Meaning if they say or do something really stupid or negative, I may dislike them a little more.  Or if they and or do something really positive, I may like them a little more.  But I'll never fan an of them nor will I truly dislike or hate them.  

Personally, I think they both probably did the right thing at time for themselves, one trying to deal with and resolve, the other just trying to avoid since it seems there wasn't a resolution.  IMO, their SM after tends to show and give us a better picture of who each truly is.  Ones actions and attitude is a little disappointing while the other seems to be taking the positive, high road.  Guess I'll wait and continue to watch how things unfold.


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