Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 75 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by MissB Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:51 am

Quane wrote:
Glowworm2 wrote:Good morning, I'm on my way to work but I just have to say that if I read the magazines and listen to that psychic, I too see her as F4. But the edit is not showing me that yet. IMO

Do you really believe that the Psychic could be wrong? He was very confident about it. I am for one will think he could be wrong. but since he is a close friend of Sarah, maybe he got the hint from Sarah if she is F3. I really would like a a glimmer of hope despite everything shown.

I believe the psychic because of Sarah. If Heather left before her, the psychic would know. Did you note how all of a sudden he is conflicted about F1 but confident about the rest? I think it's because he knows up to Sarah's elimination but he is not sure who is F2 or F1 because he has no reliable source.


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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 75 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by Sundy Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:54 am

AAL it's just all so unappealing now (producers I hope you are taking note). From memory Osher was quite fond of Rochelle too wasn't he? I must admit I think I have a type, I adored Rochelle, Sam and now Heather.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 75 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:59 am

Sundy wrote:AAL it's just all so unappealing now (producers I hope you are taking note). From memory Osher was quite fond of Rochelle too wasn't he?  I must admit I think I have a type, I adored Rochelle, Sam and now Heather.
I think after last season and now being on Season 3 and recycling has already started with Sam Frost as The Bachelorette it is inevitable that the show would go this route.

Osher is definitely his own kind of guy. He is quirky and deep and not a red-carpet type person. It is no surprise that he has made it known how much he likes Heather. I think she is the type of person he would want his mate to marry. Doesn't mean he isn't happy for Sam and his F1, everyone just has different taste and I think Osher is [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] because she is more his type (smart, beautiful, funny, genuine, etc as he has tweeted and a real unicorn -- meaning she is rare -- because of this).


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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 75 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by Guest Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:59 am

They built up the Heather story just for audience to be surprised and heartbroken when she is letting go at f4? So this is why I hate the idea of having intruders, what's the point to let us root for the original girls while the f1 would come in so late in the process.


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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 75 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:04 am

The silver lining of Sam not falling in love with Heather and not choosing her is that most of Australia and even the world has fallen in love with Heather and chosen her as their favourite.  :Nod:

For a woman who has had a hard time all her life being accepted and loved, I think that it is wonderful that Heather now knows that she is beloved by so many.  beatingheart

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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 75 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by Katiebelle Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:51 am

So I've had a very busy time catching up with everyone's fantastic posts. 

I may be naive and far too hopeful but I'm going to keep the faith that Heather is F1 because I don't trust those producers - they're sneaky!

If next Thursday Heather is sent home (I'll have a big box of tissues ready just in case :tissuebox ) I'm going to send a strongly worded letter to the producers about my displeasure of their edit! :angryemotion

I'm not watching this show to see a sad story - I'm watching to see a love story. I want to be sweeped away from my lovely but sometimes mundane life into the world of romance and passion and love. 

Blimmin producers Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 75 2292733854 Redfacemad you suckered me into a fantastic love story with a fantastic woman and now you aren't coming up with the goods. Where's Heathers happy ending? And because I adore her- where's  my happy ending?

A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked!

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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 75 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by Sundy Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:01 am

So did anyone work out yet if it is Snez's bum or Lana's on the balcony? I am just looking for little holes to keep the Heather flame alive cheerleader cheerleader cheerleader

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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 75 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by FanofHeather Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:13 am

Katiebelle, I am with you. Still hoping to see a true love story in Heather and Sam. I still believe this story can be of two people who are clearly meant to be coming together despite the temptations, insecurities and challenges. For me the last couple of episodes have been lacking because I am missed the true interactions from Heather and Sam. Without them and their bond, the show seems so fake. I just can't see a story where Sam is mesmerised by Heather one minute and then she is out the next. It's makes no sense to me, there is something missing and maybe that something happens next week. Who knows? Until I see he go, will always hold a flicker of hope.

Can't help it, her superhero date and their connection was the most emotional and real interaction I have seen on this style of show. I struggle to see how that level of emotional intimacy can disappear...

But maybe that's just me... A hopeless romantic despite all the evidence


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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 75 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by happygolucky Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:19 am

Hi y'all! ... it really feels like Bette10 all over again (for me, and those who don't know the story, it's always Nick's or Heather's show) ... I was fooled by "the talk" ... I honestly believed that the deep, honest, meaningful conversations were a representation of an incredible bond and understanding between the lead and Heather and that he actually found her gorgeous, sexy and attractive as much as he did for Snezana, just wasn't acting on it, because he followed Heather's pace ...

well, :headbanging nope ... once and for all "get it girl" ... if he's not searching to touch you and kiss you and doesn't try "harder" to pash you good as if the clothes would be flying off ... he's just not into you.

I read Sam wrong ... he was indeed friend-zoning Heather ... from the start ... but the level of comfort and admiration/challenge when he was around her was keeping him wanting more ... or maybe because he felt validated/adulated and desired in her presence, since she flattered him and stroked his ego.  :youdaman:

He was her friend, her listener, he cared for her, challenged her and helped her discover her inner beauty. For that I'm sure she is grateful to him ... but the fact remains ... he just didn't feel it enough when it came to the attraction, the sexual primal one.  whipped

He's not to blame, but also I have no intention to ever write about him again. I had enough of Sams in my life to know when it's time to move on. Friendship was never meant to last. And the sad part of it is, that in retrospect, it wasn't a genuine friendship either, there was always a motive behind it for being "cultivated" and "built-up".  for you

Good side: the Australia has seen Heather ... her complete, honest, vulnerable, adorable, funny, thoughtful, caring and inspiring self. There are more people out there today aware of her, who want to be part of her life ... she will never be in the background again, unless she chooses ... there are men who have seen her and fallen for that quirky girl ... there are men who still don't know what a gem she is ... and she has all the time in her world to explore and meet the right gem "fitted for her".  Hugesmile

By the time of the next Bachelorette she might not be even single anymore, so I won't be waiting for that news. But i can't wait for the show to be over and her SM to turn public and her official site to become active again ... I'm looking forward to see her new adventures, now that I know where to look for. :gotcha:

At the end, has repaid, with a positive edit, an extensive promotion and the exposure that not many outlets could give her. Man! Heather, you nailed it! Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 75 1377737533

Last edited by happygolucky on Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:26 am; edited 2 times in total


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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 75 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:21 am

Hbomb wrote:Also something that has REALLY bothered me is how Sam has spoilt some of the other girls on their dates.. like Sarah, Snez - even Lana's first date was special... but throws in the comment like 'Heather is not the type that would want to drive in a limo"... knowing only a tiny bit of Heathers tough childhood I think of all the contestants Heather deserves to be spoilt the most... you can tell she appreciates pretty much everything Sam does and says to her... but it shouldn't mean he takes the cheap and easy route.. I know its not all Sam, he probably has little control over the dates... but still I just wanted to see Heather get spoilt and I think I am still bitterly disappointed by the cheap and weird chocolate date.
ITA. I have come to the conclusion that while Heather sees and gets all the parts of Sam, Sam does not see and get all the parts of Heather.

If Sam did, he would realize Heather wants a man to just grab her and make out with her like a wild thing and "bring on the romance" like no other and someone who will treat her like a queen and give her the most romantic and glitzy date of all. Because at the end of the day, Sam already knew Heather in her day-to-day world, she showed him on her date. So when he gave her her single date that was his time to use the show as a way to give Heather her dream date - the Heather who said her bio that she wants a man who will be so romantic for her!

Heather already appreciates the smallest things in life and would be happy with driving around in a ice-cream van all day, what she needs is a man who will bring out her womanly/sexy side, not just her girly side. She needs a man who will give her yachts, private dancing moments, jewellry, and hot air balloons -- the whole nine yards if he is on a TV show that allows for this. :yes:

(It's what I loved about Art with Matilda. Matilda was someone who enjoyed and appreciated the simple things in life but Art made sure to treat her special with her $11K bracelet and romantic date like the Notebook. And most important, he told her that HE won her. That she was the prize and that she was always the one. It was believable because Art had shown, with his actions, that Mattie was always the one for him. Not even her not wanting to stay overnight stopped him. Nor did it stop him that she was the last one he had a first kiss with on Episode 12. But the thing is, Art on day one said he was looking for a dork. And he found one. Sam said it could be a look, a conversation, a this a that. Dude didn't know what he wanted and while he was a dork and has that side to him, he doesn't embrace it and want to be a dork the way Art is. Art takes pride in being a dork. Sam? I think he wants to run from it and anything too familiar...thus, Heather. jmo)

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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 75 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by Schmoobag Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:28 am

Katiebelle and FanofHeather - I'm sticking with you both on Team Heather to the end too! Watching the episode last night, we're still seeing the looks, the touches and the CP chats that have been consistent right through the series. I just don't get how that could suddenly vanish, and the more the edit doesn't show Heather and Sam's time together the more suspicious I get. The only thing i can think of that would end her time on the show is something drastic happening with Heather's HTD (as AAL mentioned earlier). Either there's massive issues with her family or the grilling Sam gets may make him admit he feels only friendship with Heather and let's her know so she can leave with her head held high. It's no less that she deserves after being so open and honest with him.
The hopeless romantic in me will wait for absolute proof that she leaves before I give up their happy ever after ending cheerleader


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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 75 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by happygolucky Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:54 am

Katiebelle & FanofHeather & Schmoobag & Sundy ... and everyone who read Hugesmile I'm sorry for my own "building-up hopes" and crushing them now ...

I needed a convincing proof, that doesn't leave a room to the interpretation ... and this time with the last preview S/caps I got that proof. Snezana and Lana and Sarah are definitely in F3. I don't see another way to explain Sarah's S/cap (of yellow room, dressed-up).

I also believe that the edit, now seeing it with the fresh eyes, is clearly speaking Snezana. And at the end it is a big love story ... a man falling for a single mom ... romantic, passionate, sexy ... story ... that I'm just not interested.
Because I care for Heather and her journey only ... What did she say it's going to be? I forgot the word, but whatever it was, it's compelling.


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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

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