Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion

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Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion

Post by lleyki Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:13 pm

Tiggerlgh wrote:I feel bad for him.  I don’t get the level of hate they are getting!  I think more people need to follow Thumpers advice! (If you have nothing good to say, don’t say anything at all).  All imo

And this is why as much as I watch this franchise off and on, I don't consider myself part of Bachelor Nation. Because BN to me is this weird crop of people who take this crap franchise way too damn serious. I have never been able to understand becoming this invested in this show as to throw hate for any of these people long after seasons have ended.

I don't get it, will never get it and don't ever want to get it. I watched the finale and ATFR, thought it was a hot mess that was worthy of my snark that night and I swear I forgot about all of these people by the next day. Some people need perspective. There's a global pandemic going on and they're throwing shade and hate at some woman because of a crappy reality show?


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Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion

Post by Chgohighlife Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:29 pm

Peter and his mom are not being held at gunpoint and forced to post silliness on SM. Stopping the snark is as simple as going away. As lng as they keep forcing the issue, they can expect what they get. No rocket science involved. The franchise milked his mother’s bad attitude and made a complete fool of him so, sit down and be quiet till it blows over and stop pretending everything is cool when you know full well, it isn’t.


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Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion

Post by lleyki Sat Mar 21, 2020 3:01 pm

I'm not getting into a back and forth about this because once again, I don't care. I don't care about Peter, his mother, his crazy azz season, none of it. And that is my point. I watch the show for snark and mindless entertainment.

Once in awhile I like a contestant or two to follow them after and a couple here and there to root for them. In general, these people are out of my mind as soon as a season is over. So my point is yeah, some person didn't like loud mouth Barb, whatever. But with real crap going on in the world, someone is spending time hating on the guy's mother on his IG page.

Makes no sense to me. Like why even follow Peter in the first place if you're annoyed by him. Bottom line, as I said, I personally don't get it. Then again, I've never gotten the appeal some get out of social media trolling and hate either. Wasting time and energy to first follow the page of someone you dislike and throw shady comments. JMO.


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Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion

Post by Chgohighlife Sat Mar 21, 2020 3:07 pm

lleyki wrote:I'm not getting into a back and forth about this because once again, I don't care. I don't care about Peter, his mother, his crazy azz season, none of it. And that is my point. I watch the show for snark and mindless entertainment.

Once in awhile I like a contestant or two to follow them after and a couple here and there to root for them. In general, these people are out of my mind as soon as a season is over. So my point is yeah, some person didn't like loud mouth Barb, whatever. But with real crap going on in the world, someone is spending time hating on the guy's mother on his IG page.

Makes no sense to me. Like why even follow Peter in the first place if you're annoyed by him. Bottom line, as I said, I personally don't get it. Then again, I've never gotten the appeal some get out of social media trolling and hate either. Wasting time and energy to first follow the page of someone you dislike and throw shady comments. JMO.

I hear ya and I unfollowed him awhile ago and I rarely post on Instagram, period. However, my point is he’s asking for it and he deserves it. Posting with his mother... cantstopl hehehe


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Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion

Post by Astrobach Sat Mar 21, 2020 3:21 pm

@Chgohighlife I was just going to say something similar. Peter proves he is a real idiot for making one if not his first post about him dancing with his mom! Tone deaf doesn’t even describe how deep in denial this guy is, IMO. It’s one thing to post something HE IS DOING, alone, but to choose that particular one is ...I have no words...

@lleyki I admire you, and your healthy distancing from this nonsense. I do not consider myself part of BN much because I extremely rarely comment on S/M and certainly NEVER would post anything in a negative way...I’d be too scared giggling But, here I am, active on this away from public scrutiny laugh out loud I am using them as experiments for my Astrology studies! cantstopl

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Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion

Post by bluwavz Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:18 pm

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Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion

Post by Diana Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:29 pm

Everyone saying poor Peter when IMO he got little to what he deserved. He treated Hannah Ann like sh*t, the way he let his mother treat Madison then this? Welp. Garbage.


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Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion

Post by dee Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:45 pm

When exactly did he fly into Chicago from LA.... He should be in self quarantine for 14 days before going out like this. Is he living with Dustin? Kelley? THey all living together? Chicago has had Stay-at-home orders for weeks. Yes, people can still go outside, preferably alone and with distance between strangers. But there is no way Peter has been there for 14 days. He's not even social distancing, let alone self quarantining.

All of these BN people are driving me nuts. Ok, end rant.

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Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion

Post by Diana Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:54 pm

Yeah. Both California and Illinois are on stay at home orders and he flew to Chicago and went out in public with two other people in Chicago. It's unreal and gross. Imo

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Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion

Post by HavaDrPepper Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:56 pm

Reddit thinks he was in LA just a few days ago. If he was, yes, he should be in self quarantine.


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Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion

Post by Kas_256 Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:57 pm

We know that Peter was at home a couple of days ago based on his IG so not sure when he arrived in Chicago. Are airlines still flying in the US atm?
I know that in Aust the 14 day quarantine rules on arrival doesn’t apply to airline staff (🤦🏼‍�🤷‍�) so assume that’s maybe the case with Peter too if he flew in for work.

I’ve seen that Kelley’s last instastory was taken inside dustins house.


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Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Peter Weber - Bachelor 24 - Discussion

Post by notarose Wed Mar 25, 2020 6:06 pm

dee wrote:When exactly did he fly into Chicago from LA.... He should be in self quarantine for 14 days before going out like this. Is he living with Dustin? Kelley? THey all living together? Chicago has had Stay-at-home orders for weeks. Yes, people can still go outside, preferably alone and with distance between strangers. But there is no way Peter has been there for 14 days. He's not even social distancing, let alone self quarantining.

All of these BN people are driving me nuts. Ok, end rant.

Do pilots get tested? I’m curious because they, and even more so cabin crew and airport staff, are working in a high risk environment. Anyone know?

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