Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Bobette Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:21 am

@Sprite That's the perfect assessment of Lisa  Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 3806527698   Usually villains annoy me because they try too hard to be bitchy with Lisa it just seems to come so naturally  Hugesmile   10/10 casting.  I'm enjoying readings your thoughts on the first couple of episodes and am about to watch Ep 6 - mid-season already!

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Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Bobette Mon Dec 11, 2023 12:18 pm

Episode 6

Brea is asked whether she'd be willing to wait for Wesley to be ready for sex. "Well... I'm a sexual person", she shrugs [read: No, I would not wait].  It annoys me she's been paired up with Wes as, I assume, merely a way to keep her round as principal narrator. I see no genuine connection and this manufactured storyline is just chewing up airtime.  NEXT!

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Boys Chat

This season's new "feature" seems to be spoon feeding plotpoints to us as if we're recovering from a traumatic brain injury.  Luke and Ben both like Ellie.  Wes likes Brea and Jade.  Yes, WE KNOW.  Wes says he doesn't want to move in with a girl after a few years of dating, he wants to "save that for marriage".  I roll my eyes and will have more to say on this later.

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Second Dates: Group Dinner

Ben/Amelia, Luke/Ellie, Wes/Jade

The boys have their respective ladies over to cook a dish, meaning we get to see a lot of back-of-heads.  Amelia leans over the cookplate and I'm concerned her plastic chest might start to melt.  Ben describes their relationship as a "slow burn" and if that isn't the kiss of death I don't know what is.  Amelia gets upset about a bunch of flowers.  Dumb storyline.

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Ellie knows she has Luke wrapped round her finger and tightens her grip another notch.  He's clearly into her but I fail to see why.  To me she's very Generic Instagram Girl. Maybe he got sick of authentic country girls and wanted to date a fancy lady from the big city he couldn't meet via other avenues.  Whatever the case I don't see his feelings being reciprocated.

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Jade asks Wes "how far he's gone" with women and essentially his answer is "just kissing". He wants to save everything else for marriage.  So to recap: no sex before marriage, no fooling around other than kissing, no living together, and then, after marriage, five children, each born in a different country (requiring moving every few years, with babies and toddlers in tow).   dizzy

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Wes, Buddy: I'm going to get real with you here for a second. From what I have observed, I don't think you genuinely want to be with a woman at all.  It seems to me you are using your religion as an excuse to stay celibate.  If you're asexual, that's actually fine.  If you think you might be more into boys, that's fine too (no matter what your religion says, IMO).  

If you DO want to be with a woman, you need to stop planning, fantasising, scrutinising and postulating. You're 33. You could spend another 33 years looking for this "perfect" woman to marry and have five hypothetical children with, and never find her. I didn't want to do this, but you've left me no choice: I'm going to have to quote Matthew Gray Gubler at you.  

Moving on.

They bring their meals together and pretend they made them rather than just being handed them by the caterers.  The magic of television.  Dark secrets are revealed:  Luke reads fantasy novels;  Jade is a gamer.  Ben is asked when he last cried and OF COURSE he says it was when his ex moved her things out of their apartment.  Once again: some unresolved issues there, IMO.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 HbHn6Yo
Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 ObgiM6p

Group Date: Meet My Friends

I liked this date idea last season and am glad they brought it back.  LISA'S FRIEND HAS THE SAME ACCENT.  cantstopl  Love it.

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Very chopping editing while Wes is talking.  He barely looks like the same person.  Clearly some heavy storyline revisions took place.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 Qd8QNjy

Impromptu Rose Ceremony

Osher appears with a vase of roses.  Each boy must save one girl, and send the other home.  Anastasia knows she's toast and stomps off.  Ben makes it clear she wasn't getting the rose anyway laugh out loud  Lana and Brea get the other two roses, meaning Tabitha and Queen Lisa are sent packing.  At least they have a shoulder to cry on in the way down the lift.  A ho-hum episode, 6/10.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 Brh3PUD
Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 PPDPhk2

Source: Tenplay Episode 6

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Post by Sprite Mon Dec 11, 2023 3:27 pm

@Bobette I got to episode 3 and the ridiculous note Ben passed to Holly. He wants to change the world with her after talking together for 5 minutes. Too much. Too soon. No wonder this guy is still single. After reading it Holly looked like she didn't know whether to laugh or to puke. Love bomby? That's a new one for me. Naturally he then asks for a date. He clearly has no social awareness. She looked like she wanted to be anywhere but there. She was so uncomfortable telling him that note was too fast, but really what it was, it was too fast with him! If Ben had given that note she would have been over the moon. I do have to say that Wes handled it very well and I give him props for that. Somehow I think that isn't the first time he was rejected.

Ben asks McKenna out since he felt really comfortable around her. The amusement park seemed fun and he was much more relaxed, until they got to the hotel. She shared her dad was in Special Forces (I just finished watching the 2nd season of Special Forces which was excellent). She is slow to open up like him and I think that helped him to reciprocate about his ex. I really liked how he was with her and she seemed really sweet.

Meanwhile Luke is out in the country with horse prepping for his date with Tabitha. I like that she grew up with ponies and he is a novice. She likes his dad jokes and they had fun laughing and riding, but that is about all we got from this date. Did it go south quickly? Was it boring? What didn't we see?

The group tennis date continues with the dad ball jokes from Luke and they try to cheer up Wes.

Luke pulls Lana and they discuss their love of cooking. He is listing off all the stuff he cooks. I love me a man that cooks. I love to cook too, but I really like it when a man can cook for me....more than just a steak on the BBQ. I love how he handled her telling him she was a single mom. Luke is really surprising me. I thought he would be an awkward country bloke, but he is articulate, funny, confident and loves to cook.

Wes is talking with everyone. Loved when Brea tells him she is a sexual person and loves sex and he says he has no problem talking about sex and talks about it a lot. I bet he does! He then talks with Nella who also has an 8 year old son...out of wedlock! I could feel his blushes. Of course, what gets him going is her bringing up faith. Lordy. I don't know if this guy wants to really meet anyone. Should he go into the priesthood or is he really not sure about his sexuality?

Ben is chatting with Amelia with Holly waiting, watching and working up the courage to chat with him after. When she finally did everyone is watching. I did like how the other women encouraged her. Ben gives her the kiss of death right out of the gate...they are good on paper. Snap. Ouch. She further seals her fate with telling him she isn't really into kids, right after he tells her his dream of a family. Might as well leave right there Holly. She is as bad at reading the room as Wes. Yikes. Not surprisingly she is toast. I feel calmer already.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Bobette Mon Dec 11, 2023 10:25 pm

Sprite wrote:Of course, what gets him going is her bringing up faith. Lordy. I don't know if this guy wants to really meet anyone. Should he go into the priesthood or is he really not sure about his sexuality?

I agree

Bingo.  As usual, we are on the same page.  I wonder if being immersed so heavily in religion from childhood has led to Wes internalising some unhealthy attitudes towards sexuality and relationships.  Many young religious people struggle with the expectation of saving themselves for heterosexual marriage.  With Wes, it appears to be the opposite - he is IMO using it as an excuse to avoid sex entirely.  

The concept he has of marriage and family is at best, idealistic, and at worst, completely delusional.  He wants five children, each born in a different country.  Can you imagine moving internationally every 1-2 years with babies and toddlers and young children?  Having to change schools and learn a different language each time?  It's absolute madness and reflects a naiivity about the real world, IMO.

Wes has expressed no interest in building a life together with someone - he's looking for a woman to slot neatly into HIS pre-planned vision. IMO, he needs to be very honest with himself about whether he wants to be with a woman at all.  There is nothing wrong with being asexual.  There is also nothing wrong with being unsure of one's sexuality.  I think he owes it to himself to explore ALL his options.

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Post by Sprite Tue Dec 12, 2023 12:58 am

@Bobette That would require him to be truthful with himself. I don't know that he is capable of that. He may think that he is, but we can all clearly see that he is living in some alternate reality. I don't think anyone can match these weird ideas that he has for a woman/family and as you said, I think he is using that as an excuse to not have a relationship.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Sprite Tue Dec 12, 2023 8:24 am

I am up to episode 4 which finds Maddison whining about not getting time with Ben, but when she actually has a chance to chat she is like a lump on a log. He has zero interest in her and she is too self absorbed to notice. Seriously, that is like theme this season...No self awareness or ability to read the room.

I spit out my tea when Ben lets us know that he picked Amelia for the single date because she has a certain look about her. I'm pretty sure the "certain look" was her giant fake boobs, but she is shy and he is intrigued. Sure Ben. This could have been a fun date at the market, but I was bored and I'm pretty sure, so was Ben.

Later, on the obligatory roof top there is more talk of the walls she has put up. You would seriously think these people are brick layers with all the talk about putting up walls. Ex, lies, broken trust,  Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 2622943811  Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 2622943811  Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 2622943811 They are licking their lips just wanting to jump each other. She seems a nice enough girl, but I am too distracted between the giant lips and the giant chest. Ben is too.

The fake outing between Ellie and the girls to help her decide between Ben and Luke. Please. Since when are they allowed out of the mansion to just go strolling about with cameras following them? Also, we all know she is gaga over Luke and not that into Ben, which the ladies tell her pronto. Waste of time.

Ben invites Brea to teach him how to surf. She appreciates that he tries to do what she likes, even though he sucks at it...big time. She is realistic. She is interested, but worried about the sex. I don't know how much she truly is interested...maybe as a friend.

Later as they relax in the hot tub, Brea wants to get more into what he is comfortable doing with a partner sexually. He does dinner, brunch, walks on the beach and deep chats.   duh Finally he kisses her. She is still pushing about what he is willing to do if not full on sex and he is still skirting around the issue. She is being nice about it, but you can tell it's getting old already. Be a bloody grown up Wes. Just tell her what she wants to know. Don't drag it out.

Luke meanwhile is out with Aarthi to the theater. He (producers) get her flowers. After 3 hours of no talking he gets her dinner...kababs while sitting on the steps of the her ballgown. They chat, eat and make out. Very chill. They are good together. Best date this episode. Luke is killing it.

Maddison, despite being shot down earlier and unwilling to understand Ben has no interest in her, decides to crash his pad...with the help of tptb. He is not thrilled as she is cutting into his footy watching time. He actually looks p*ssed. She then proceeds to lie about Brea. I don't get this "plan" that she has to get his talking about another relationship, which she is not a part of. Is this the plot between her and Lisa so Lisa gets some time with Wes? Please, as if Lisa would ever be interested in Wes. So stupid and totally unnecessary on the part of tptb.

No group date, but they are having a cocktail party where Ben reluctantly shares what he has been told to Wes. I doubt he believes it, but just in case, because producers told him to, he does. Naturally, Wes goes to talk with Brea while Maddison looks all surprised. Poor Brea is crying because she thought these women were her friends and Wes doesn't know who to trust. Stupid.

Ellie telling Ben that she wants to focus on Luke, while Luke is all worried that Ben is cutting his grass again, is kind of funny. Ben doesn't just let it go and confuses her by wanting to go out with her. I don't know why she is even debating this. She is all smiles when she talks about Luke and not so much with Ben. I have no patience when people can't make up their minds and are flip flopping all over the place.

Lisa is all excited for the idiotic plan that her and her bestie Maddison have cooked up. I enjoyed her more when she was being a sarcastic narrator. Now ... no Osher the mortician starts asking if Wes is there for the right reasons and we start getting into the BS where Maddison and Lisa accuse Brea of saying she is not interested in Wes. McKenna defends Brea and Brea clearly states she is interested in him. Lisa goes on about being role models for young women....says the 23 year old b*tch. I hate this kind of crap because it is all encouraged/stirred by tptb. I don't get this animosity towards Brea from Lisa and Maddison. She is probably the most normal woman there...behaviour and looks wise. No fake plastic in her.

Down to the last rose, Wes puts it back and asks to chat to Brea to apologize for doubting her and gives her the last rose. I feel bad for Donna, who I don't even remember seeing before, having to be kind of dragged through this because of some jealous, b*tchy women.

Mostly a wasted episode because of so much focus on fake drama.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Bobette Wed Dec 13, 2023 10:50 am

Episode 7

I appear to suddenly be three episodes behind.  Not sure how that happened.  Channel 10 really want this over and done with quickly don't they.  

Girl's Chat

Like Boy's Chat last episode, this segment is a waste of time. Jade tells the other girls she's concerned about Wes' reluctance to live with a partner before marriage, and it could be a deal breaker for her.  We already know this.  If they cut out all the flash backs, "coming ups" and spoon feeding segments, I swear these episodes would be 12 minutes long.

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Ben's first date with Maddison

Maddison says, "I've dated a LOT, so it's a niche skill I have to be good on first dates with people", about which I would suggest perhaps it's not something to brag about, since it implies no one is interested in coming back for a second date.  "I know that I can make this date seductive and sexy", she purrs.  Seductive and sexy according to Maddison:

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Wes' second date with Brea

Wes says he's "dialing up the romance".  Brea is picked up in a limo and taken to a hotel where she's given the Pretty Woman treatment.  It appears Wes heard Brea say she's a "sexual person" and in his mind this has translated to "hooker". Fortunately I think we can all agree there are few things in life more romantic than being labelled a prostitute by a 33 year old virgin.

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At dinner Brea says her goal is to buy a farm and live off the land and Wes says he's up for it but as IF he's going to live on a remote property when his job is signing people up to Hillsong.  Not many people out bush. Wes says "I don't just see a future with Brea; I'm planning it" and there he goes again with the PLANS. duh This man is incapable of letting things evolve naturally.

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Luke's second date with Lana

Lana is funny and I like her more than I expected to.  I do think that's probably her at the FRC, suggesting she's Luke's F2.  Her single mother status would contrast nicely vs Ellie's "free spirit" vibe.  That would however leave Aarthi at F3 and I'll be wrong about her making the finale.  Might have to start tracking the stats for these multi-lead seasons to spot any new patterns.

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During the evening part of their date, Luke gives Lana his pie recipe and she rewards him with a benchtop make-out session and bonus butt grab.  Yes, she's looking very much like F2 after this date with all the physicality.  Luke is by far the best Lead this season and seems to be enjoying himself.  I like his use of the term Darl, but I'm not sure he should use it for ALL the girls. laugh out loud

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Group Date: Lunch in a foggy field

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Alright hang on a minute what's going on here.  No evening portion was shown of Ben's date with Maddison, and now here he is with two black eyes.  I can only assume Maddison smacked him in the face while she was hanging upside down being "seductive and sexy" and he ran off wailing, "My face! My beautiful, money-making face!", or similar.  It's not mentioned though, so we'll never know.

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Ben reminisces about his "deep" first date with McKenna and takes her off for a chat, after which he gives her a one-handed, half-hearted hug. Logically she'll be his F1 ("deep" vs Angela's "surface") and with Sportsbet's confirmation I am in no doubt, but I see nothing between them.  Luke and Ellie are a poor match IMO, but they are at least believable.  Wes/Brea and Ben/McKenna, not so much.

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Rose Ceremony

Luke - Lana, Aarthi, Ellie,
Wes - Nella, Natalie,
Ben - Angela, Amelia, McKenna

Jade walks; everyone else gets a rose by default.

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Amelia says if Jade stayed, McKenna would have gone tonight; a thinly-veiled attempt by TPTB to throw people off the scent of McKenna being F1.

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Source: Tenplay Episode 7

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Join date : 2016-10-10
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Post by Bobette Thu Dec 14, 2023 12:50 pm

Alright, the kettle is on and I'll be watching two episodes back to back tonight to get up to speed.  Strap in.

Episode 8

Wes is wondering if he should soften some of his conservative views. "The way I grew up, and learned about relationships, it's very... different", he says.  Just as I think he might be making some progress, up pops step mum, Baby, on Zoom to talk him out of it.  IMO, now would be a good time to say, "Go for it son!" but no, she warns him not to change, or risk getting hurt.  Sigh.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 MhVesKC

Ben's date with Angela

"I'm falling for this incredible woman!" says Ben, and I don't believe a word of it.  He wants to be based in Australia and travel the world for work. Angela says she wants to travel with her children so they're "cultured" and I'll just say, try taking a toddler on a 12 hour plane ride and get back to us.  Ben talks about his ex AGAIN!!!  He's clearly still in love with her, IMO.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 OfZr9kk

Luke's date with Aarthi

Luke says he could see himself with all three of these women and THAT I can believe.  I'm sure he wouldn't even mind dating all three at the same time laugh out loud  He takes Aarthi shopping for a flash frock.  So this date is basically an ad for David Jones.  He buys her the dress and gives her a rose and it's all very low-effort and impersonal and yeah she's now looking a lot like an F3.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 QJRDmuu

Wes' date with Natalie

Wes takes Natalie ice skating which goes about as well as skating dates always go on this show (ie they fall over a lot).  At the end of the date Wes gives her a rose and says "I appreciate how Natalie has brightened my day with no expectations or pressure" which sounds to me a lot like "I really enjoyed this date because I didn't have to kiss her or step out of my chaste ivory tower".

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Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 SDknIJq

Cocktail Party

There's some dRaMaz between Amelia and McKenna over comments made last rose ceremony.   Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 2622943811  Boring.  For what it's worth, McKenna is in the right. She's a sweet girl and I'm not looking forward to watching Ben pick her at the FRC knowing he probably ghosted her straight after.  Dude needs to either get back in touch with his ex or go to a therapist, IMO.

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Group Date: Sex Coach

"This is the most action I've ever had", grins Wes and I can imagine step mum Baby watching at home clutching her pearls (or whatever the Brazilian equivalent is).  Wes should do more of this kind of stuff IMO.  Maybe not on national TV but you know, just loosen up a bit.  My thoughts go out to the teen boys watching this segment on the couch with their parents Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 3806527698

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They do an eye gazing activity which frankly looks like a complete nightmare.  Ben says it's the "deepest" connection and the "deepest" they've gone so far and I can't help but envision the storyboard for this season with a picture of McKenna and the codeword "DEEP" written in big red letters.  Keep ramming home that point guys - maybe just mention it another 20 or 30 more times.

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Maddison suggests they all give Ben a massage at once.

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It's all a bit much for Evie, who decides to leave the show.

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Rose Ceremony

Ben: McKenna, Maddison, Amelia
Wes: Brea, Nella,
Luke: Lana, Ellie

Caitlyn goes.

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Source: Tenplay Episode 8

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Join date : 2016-10-10
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Post by Bobette Thu Dec 14, 2023 12:50 pm

Episode 9

Wes has made a "very big decision".  Has he realised he's not up for this relationship business after all and is joining the priesthood?  No.  Is he coming out of the closet on national TV?  Also no.  He has in fact decided to ask Brea to be "exclusive" with him.  He tearfully arrives at the mansion to break the news that he's effectively dumping all his other girls at once.

Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 VzDVoDv

First, he takes Brea aside to ask her if she's up for it.  Now I know I tend to be cynical but to me she looks initially excited.  "He's leaving!"  She must be thinking, IMO.  "I'm off the hook!  No need to pretend any longer!"  His offer of exclusivity appears to come as a shock to her.  Take a look at the SCs.  Her face conveys exactly how thrilled she is with his offer, IMO.

Before he asks her to go steady:

Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 1iwQZi6

And after:

Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 J93bA8Y

AWK-WARD.  If I had photoshop I'd be adding a thought bubble above her head saying "%$#@", or similar.  "I didn't expect that", she replies.  Yeah NO KIDDING cantstopl She regains her composure and goes back to pretending she's interested in him.  Not buying it guys, sorry.  I wonder if Sportsbet have a market on how quickly they broke up post-show.

Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 YDfPIa1

Anyhoo, Nella and Natalie are sent packing.  So who's that in orange at the FRC if not Nella?  Aarthi looks good in orange, and we don't see the woman's arms clearly, so her tattoos could be obscured.  But, the woman is shown walking away from Wes.  Or, is she walking past Wes, on her way to meet Luke?  But then what about Lana. Luke can't have three finalists... I assume.   dizzy

Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 9d9UqIG

Overnight Dates

Back to the episode, the boys are taking one girl each on an overnight trip.  Wes of course takes Brea since she's his only remaining girl.  What nonsense.  If you want to be exclusive with a girl go on Love Island!  Don't come here polluting our Bachelor with your monogamy thank you very much.  Luke takes Ellie and Ben takes Amelia.  No prizes for guessing why.  

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Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 LK6JLwD
Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 T3y5ttq

Ben and Amelia are simply not into each other IMO. "I don't like competition with relationships" says Amelia, a woman who applied to be a contestant on a competitive dating show.  Luke clearly IS into Ellie, but I do not see it reciprocated from her angle.  "If it doesn't work out in the end I know that I'll be OK", she says, and if that's not foreboding I don't know what is.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 E2PIKTp

Group Date: Pool Party

This is quite possibly the saddest pool party I've ever seen.  Whoever decided to submerge the cast in water on the top of a windy rooftop in the middle of a Melbourne winter should be on some kind of sadist watchlist.  Luke says Lana "came out of the blue" (AKA a slow burn, which never ends well on this show). Ben kisses McKenna in the hot tub and looks like he'd rather be anywhere else.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 MG9yEI9

Rose Ceremony

Wes and Brea sit on the sidelines watching proceedings like some kind of royal couple at the theatre. I knew they'd use her as a narrator but I didn't expect her to be narrating the show to Wes while they're still filming it.  

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Luke: Ellie, Lana, Aarthi
Ben: McKenna, Angela, Amelia

Since we're apparently not capable of comprehending this show on our own anymore, I'd better let Brea explain to you who went home.  This storyline is all kinds of weird, and will hopefully never be repeated.

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Source: Tenplay Episode 9

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Post by olive54321 Sat Dec 16, 2023 3:41 am

Jodi McAllister does recaps of the show. She predicted that Brea probably dumps Wes in the finale. I think that is what we see in the opening scene of the show.


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Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Bobette Sat Dec 16, 2023 6:29 am

olive54321 wrote:Jodi McAllister does recaps of the show. She predicted that Brea probably dumps Wes in the finale. I think that is what we see in the opening scene of the show.

I'd be very surprised with that outcome.  The girl shown walking away from (or past) Wes at the FRC can't be Brea because the girl has black hair.  That's a red herring IMO to make people think Brea turns him down and walks off.

Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 UVgbpZz

Similarly, I think this scene with Luke comforting a crying guy through the window is Luke and Ben, not Luke and Wes.  Ben probably gets upset after dumping Angela, and then gets over it in time to ask McKenna to be his F1.

Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 IFiYPRN

Brea seems committed to her act of being interested in Wes, so I think it's more likely she'll go along with it at the FRC - but I expect she dumped him shortly after.  I was wrong about Ellie though so who knows you could be right.

Source: Tenplay Episode 1 season preview

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Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by olive54321 Sat Dec 16, 2023 11:30 am

Bobette wrote:
olive54321 wrote:Jodi McAllister does recaps of the show. She predicted that Brea probably dumps Wes in the finale. I think that is what we see in the opening scene of the show.

I'd be very surprised with that outcome.  The girl shown walking away from (or past) Wes at the FRC can't be Brea because the girl has black hair.  That's a red herring IMO to make people think Brea turns him down and walks off.

Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 UVgbpZz

Similarly, I think this scene with Luke comforting a crying guy through the window is Luke and Ben, not Luke and Wes.  Ben probably gets upset after dumping Angela, and then gets over it in time to ask McKenna to be his F1.

Bachelor Australia - Season 11 - Wesley - Luke - Ben - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 4 IFiYPRN

Brea seems committed to her act of being interested in Wes, so I think it's more likely she'll go along with it at the FRC - but I expect she dumped him shortly after.  I was wrong about Ellie though so who knows you could be right.

Source: Tenplay Episode 1 season preview

I thought it was Wes but upped closer look it does look to be Ben. You're probably right. That So dramatic article might end up being right about the relationships.


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