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Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 Contestant - Plane Vid - Discussion - *Spoilers* - Page 23 Empty Re: Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 Contestant - Plane Vid - Discussion - *Spoilers*

Post by jen689 Mon Jun 30, 2014 2:56 am

cindebugg wrote: I would says somewhere in the contract to not talk about the show in public (Nick) and not to use names (Nick) 

Nick didn't use Andi's name.  We don't know what the contract says about using the names of the other contestants.

Has Nick ever watched or followed the show before his friend signed him up?  Did Nick know about RS and all of the fans who want spoilers?  Did he have any idea that a picture of not only him but of his hometown date had already been released by RS? What were the chances of a super fan sitting kitty corner a row behind on a 50 seat plane with a phone in hand waiting to record a conversation with out his permission then following him and taking more pictures with out his permission as he left the plane and waited for his baggage?   

IMO Nick was naïve and I'm sure the last thing that crossed his mind was that his conversation would be recorded released and viewed by over 120K people on youtube.  I'm sure he is now more savvy and careful.  He didn't intentionally give away the ending.  Unfortunately anyone with a smart phone can become an amateur paparazzi if they happen to be in the right place at the right time. He was in a position where someone exploited his conversation for their own personal gain.


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Post by SueSt Mon Jun 30, 2014 3:58 am

jen689 wrote:
cindebugg wrote: I would says somewhere in the contract to not talk about the show in public (Nick) and not to use names (Nick) 

Nick didn't use Andi's name.  We don't know what the contract says about using the names of the other contestants.

Has Nick ever watched or followed the show before his friend signed him up?  Did Nick know about RS and all of the fans who want spoilers?  Did he have any idea that a picture of not only him but of his hometown date had already been released by RS? What were the chances of a super fan sitting kitty corner a row behind on a 50 seat plane with a phone in hand waiting to record a conversation with out his permission then following him and taking more pictures with out his permission as he left the plane and waited for his baggage?   

IMO Nick was naïve and I'm sure the last thing that crossed his mind was that his conversation would be recorded released and viewed by over 120K people on youtube.  I'm sure he is now more savvy and careful.  He didn't intentionally give away the ending.  Unfortunately anyone with a smart phone can become an amateur paparazzi if they happen to be in the right place at the right time. He was in a position where someone exploited his conversation for their own personal gain.
Thanks Jen. Just a question - what did the superfan gain by sharing this video?

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Post by jen689 Mon Jun 30, 2014 4:27 am

SueSt wrote:Thanks Jen.  Just a question - what did the superfan gain by sharing this video?
Monetary compensation from RS.  Just like the paparazzi get monetary compensation from the tabloids.


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Post by Beagle Mon Jun 30, 2014 4:53 am

cindebugg wrote:
Beagle wrote:
Alanna wrote:I understand, I meant that she's not doing anything that is blatant to anyone who doesn't obsessively stalk them. Although the snapchat thing is pretty ridiculous on both their parts.

Theres a huge amount of viewers on SM, so favoring a message that states Josh is the perfect one for her and sending a picture of a spanish Off can when someone tweeted Elan about seeing Josh in the airport going to Cancun, its not innocent at all to me. Shes dropping hints pretty blatantly IMO about her F1.

Most people on twitter aren't going to dig around looking through hundreds of favorite tweets and a can of Spanish Off gives away the ending how?  I follow a lot of people on twitter who I've never even visited their profile.  It's only the spoiler hounds that take the time for that.

Andi is the lead of the show, people who follow the show are going to be interested in her SM activity. Spoiler hounds would take the tweet about Josh being in Cancun and Andi tweeting a can of Spanish Off on a towel a few hrs later as a big clue that shes in Cancun with him. Just like only a spoiler hound would take the time to film Nicks conversation on the plane and come to the conclusion that hes involve in the ending. Most people wouldn't know who Nick was or what he was talking about either. Plus, on twitter Andi knows many of her fans are following her every word for clues, it happens every season. Nick wasn't aware that there was a fan of the show sitting on the plane at all, heck he didn't even mentioned the show on the video and why would anyone even know who he is.

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Post by happygolucky Mon Jun 30, 2014 4:57 am

I see you've turned this discussion into "reality vs. edit" question. My view:
Nick is the guy we see. You take the good with the bad.
He is the guy who in that particular context, "fighting" for a girl's attention, where you are conscious that she is seeing someone else, that goes on a date with another after finishing date with you, kissing other guys, whether you see that or not, hear or not, you know it ... it's TB show after all.
So to me his behavior is understandable. If I would be a guy, more self-confident that I'm in my own skin right now, I would probably do the same moves. Meaning, I'm not the guy, I'm a very insecure woman, who would never dare to behave like that and still I don't find his attitude wrong, disturbing, irritating, turn-off, since what I'm looking at is HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH ANDY. Not his relationship with the guys. Noone among those guys joined the show to find their bromance. That's not the goal of the show. Yes, people do tend to socialize and while going through similar experience it happens that you make friends over things shared, that only few can understand having it lived. But only with time, outside of the show, you can really get how much of the bond between 2 guys was only due to the environment/surroundings and how much is true connection of mutual trust/respect/admiration/....
What I see is Nick returning to his real-life home, continuing very close relationship/friendship with JJ and Brian, Chris and Nick S, SM chatter with Marquel and considering Dylan a genuine good guy. (note the last with this weeks episode)
None of those guys show that kind of close relationship with Josh. Or any of the other guys with Josh ... or am I wrong? (I don't follow any of them on SM, just making conclusions reading few threads of this forum)
That doesn't mean Josh isn't a good guy or not a fun guy to hang around. Just it does give you an idea, that during the show-filming, he didn't interact with other guys to the level of creating the base for a "real" friendships after the show's "ending". He kept to himself. (Nick says that in the video)

Now, why would guys (who clearly show their support and "love" for Nick once away from TB) pick on Nick, be angry at him for his behavior, call on his attitude?
Well, Nick obviously did things very much in-the-face (grabbing the girl first when already having the rose - having spent more time with her than any other contestant on the show - probably wasn't asking other guys how their dates went, but maybe he did answer some questions by others, confident and content of how things proceeded with Andy and him, not taking in the consideration, that his point of view (reality or just imagination) may cause some jealousy among the guys who weren't experiencing the same "connection". Again - Josh not talking about his experience with any of them, or maybe even down-playing his own "time with the girl" for the sake of not hurting anyone's feelings or not wanting to show his content over "the beautiful thing going on between him and Andy", wasn't "an evident threat" to the guys and thus for not a "target".

What I want to also add is that all those small things that Nick did (because in the reality they are small and probably in the real world would be appreciated more, but not in the circumstance where you share the house with the guys that date the same girl you are dating) ... wouldn't be put into evidence and into discussion if it wasn't for the producers.

You can see that this bunch of guys were really close during the filming, very much supporting each other and trying to stay positive (to the point of not even feeling "genuine and natural" anymore, as JJ pointed out when Chris got his rose in the previous episode, because the point of the show is to have GUYS "FIGHTING" over the girl, time spent with her, her attention, her affection, her love, to be chosen) ... so obviously TPTB (am I abbreviating right the production team of the bachelor?) needed to create some stir among them, otherwise the show would be boring, there would be no real progression, no problem to solve, no doubt/disappointment to overpass, no breath-taking cliffhangers to make us viewers tune in the next time.
So what they did (during filming)? - they picked "strong" guys, who are able to bear the pressure of confrontation. Andrew, Eric, JJ, Nick ... who were strong, independent guys, not "desperate for love", guys who aren't eager and solely desire to get married (note they share some traits and attitude different from the rest of the guys who are more inclined to start a family - marriage - at their young age) ...
and their ran their storylines with them. Andrew might or might not have being a racist (hard to believe, but it sure gave them a chance to address the issue and give Marquel a possibility to state his position as a black man and feelings over something dear to him (being considered for who he is and not the color of the skin), and I think an issue still very much present to be "resolved" in USA) ... he probably shouldn't have taken the girl's number on their group date outside and brag about it - but I dare any of you say with certainty that no other guy made similar move, well sans bragging maybe ... and it's not even a big deal, because who wouldn't be over-the-head in a situation when someone clearly and blatantly shows the interest in you, you get excited, even if you personally aren't interested in that person the same way. Because the "good" attention is always nice. But that whole event made a good point to start the issue of "real intentions of the contestants".
JJ might not be this provocateur as they made him look to be. Yet he initiated many discussion that ended up being more heated moments among the guys, but to me he stood tall (literally and metaphorically) and TPTB gave him some things to say (great air-time for him), since coming from him was taken as sincere, genuine concern/issue to take in consideration. Eric's questioning Andy was a bold move from him. I think his early passing kind of "ruined" the game of the producers, because they couldn't carry out the whole story they probably had in mind during the filming before his exit. So the edit with Eric done post-filming was probably to "repair" the image (of Eric and Andy), giving him as mild "confrontation" as possible, evidencing even more how much lack of connection there was between him an her from the beginning, but still giving Andy a role of the bachelorette who put effort to get to know every guy before sending home.

And at the end we have Nick. Now, I can only assume that every guy here and there has made some unpleasant/insensitive comment to another guy in the house (hotel room), that not all had constantly made choices and behave with caution considering other guys' feelings in the process ... because it's human, errors are made, bad judgment of the situation is in human nature and lack of understanding each-other is the major issue that runs all around the world,  that the power-play is something that usually irritates those in "lower" position who don't have the same starting point to begin with ... so I don't even want to "blame" any of the guys for making those remarks on Nick's behavior (giving the context) ...
but the producers chose to take those moments and pressed them ... they asked the guys about it, they questioned others over Nick's motive and attitude, in order to get answers which serve them later for the edit. I'm sure in ITMs many if not all the guys answer multiple questions and only few second are shown to us, so material the producers have on their disposal to create a story is plenty.
That said, noone is denying that Nick behaved "insensitive" towards some guys, but I wouldn't blame him for his actions, heck, I don't even see the problem with them, since in the process of courtship (which should be the primal reason for all of them to be there) all is fair ... and he didn't do wrong to Andy, who is the only one he should be concerned. But the producers made it an issue for their own game to create a story, drama, make a show, a TV show after all.
That's why most people liking Nick (including myself) have "issues" with the "unfair" criticism of the VIEWERS who judge Nick negatively, just based on basic appearance, not even bothering to give a benefit of a doubt to a guy, not going anywhere further to understand and take in consideration the environment, the role he "has to play" (as every participant has an established role like in the fiction) and the edit that goes with it.


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Post by Kashathediva Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:58 am

Beagle wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:We had some real good discussions on whether or not the vid was legit. Now there is some speculation his edit is being thrown under the bus because of it.

However, the hotel Tricky Nicky happened before the vid as did the "jackass move". I don't see how the vid has anything to do with his edit.

I don't know if his edit is due to the video or not, but I do happen to think that TPTB have more than enough footage on any of the guys to make anyone they choose the villain of the season. We don't know if there was anyone, other than Nick, that at some point sneaked out to see Andi (arranged by TPTB of course), they are just not showing anything that doesn't pertain to their storyline. For all we know the producers could have arranged for Josh and Andi to sneak out together so they could have more alone time to pursue their relationship. We will never know. :winkie: 
Great post, Beagle! 
I agree with everything you said. There is so much left on the cutting floor! We only see snippets.

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Post by nutty1 Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:04 am

Excellent description of Nick, happygolucky.

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Post by nutty1 Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:19 am

GuardianAngel wrote:She tweeted a pic of her and Josh's date three hours ago and recently deleted it.  Tweeting she's having lunch yesterday, the tweeter's location on Twitter showed Athens, Josh was golfing in Athens, led many to speculate they were meeting later.

To me they are not clues, but to many it is. Those are some of the things I was referring to that many believe are hints.

The picture is still up on her IG. And CH retweeted her gaggle of geese tweet with the picture. So I don't think TPTB made her take it down.

"My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dogs already think I am"    
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Post by GuardianAngel Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:39 am

nutty1 wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:She tweeted a pic of her and Josh's date three hours ago and recently deleted it.  Tweeting she's having lunch yesterday, the tweeter's location on Twitter showed Athens, Josh was golfing in Athens, led many to speculate they were meeting later.

To me they are not clues, but to many it is. Those are some of the things I was referring to that many believe are hints.

The picture is still up on her IG. And CH retweeted her gaggle of geese tweet with the picture. So I don't think TPTB made her take it down.

I was just responding to another poster who wondered what hints it appears to others that Andi has given. By her taking that pic down, it was speculated that might be a hint Josh is the F1. I didn't think anything of it, she has tweeted a pic of her and Marcus in the past.

ETA: As far as Nick not sticking to his end of the contract, if the vid is legit, then yes he has violated a contract we are assuming is the same as in the past. If the vid is not legit, he broke no rules. My point is he's not the only one. There are a lot of tweets going on referencing MTA, Marcus changed his Twitter page to what looks like his BIP location, confirming he was filming BIP, and many more to numerous to mention that are not paying attention to any confidentiality agreements.

Last edited by GuardianAngel on Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:44 am; edited 2 times in total


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Post by nutty1 Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:41 am

GuardianAngel wrote:
nutty1 wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:She tweeted a pic of her and Josh's date three hours ago and recently deleted it.  Tweeting she's having lunch yesterday, the tweeter's location on Twitter showed Athens, Josh was golfing in Athens, led many to speculate they were meeting later.

To me they are not clues, but to many it is. Those are some of the things I was referring to that many believe are hints.

The picture is still up on her IG. And CH retweeted her gaggle of geese tweet with the picture. So I don't think TPTB made her take it down.

I was just responding to another poster who wondered what hints it appears to others that Andi has given. By her taking that pic down, it was speculated that might be a hint Josh is the F1. I didn't think anything of it, she has tweeted a pic of her and Marcus in the past.

Just trying to keep things straight, which isn't easy!! Especially on a MONDAY!  yes 

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Post by GuardianAngel Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:44 am

Haha! and before a full cup of coffee. spitcoffee 


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Post by albean99 Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:05 am

GuardianAngel wrote:
nutty1 wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:She tweeted a pic of her and Josh's date three hours ago and recently deleted it.  Tweeting she's having lunch yesterday, the tweeter's location on Twitter showed Athens, Josh was golfing in Athens, led many to speculate they were meeting later.

To me they are not clues, but to many it is. Those are some of the things I was referring to that many believe are hints.

The picture is still up on her IG. And CH retweeted her gaggle of geese tweet with the picture. So I don't think TPTB made her take it down.

I was just responding to another poster who wondered what hints it appears to others that Andi has given. By her taking that pic down, it was speculated that might be a hint Josh is the F1. I didn't think anything of it, she has tweeted a pic of her and Marcus in the past.

ETA: As far as Nick not sticking to his end of the contract, if the vid is legit, then yes he has violated a contract we are assuming is the same as in the past. If the vid is not legit, he broke no rules. My point is he's not the only one. There are a lot of tweets going on referencing MTA, Marcus changed his Twitter page to what looks like his BIP location, confirming he was filming BIP, and many more to numerous to mention that are not paying attention to any confidentiality agreements.

I thought the tweeter who saw Andi at lunch was from Athens but is living in Atlanta?

You're right about the crazy number of SM hints or clues that are out there this season. Nick could be in trouble for the video although think they wouldn't bother trying to sue him. What's funny is that even with the somewhat negative edit, CH has been mostly positive in his blogs. You'd think he'd be persona non grata.

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